
School (10.-14.07.):

All talks will take place in the Amphitheater Ehresmann, building G, UFR Sciences, 33 rue Saint-Leu (enter from the street by the grid near the canal, go past building A, and go to building G. In the main hall, there are three amphitheaters on the left, the Ehresmann amphitheater is the middle one.

Coffee breaks will be in the room Sophie Germain, right in front, except on July 12 and 13, where we will have a corner of the main hall.

For the Friday activities see the Useful Information page.

Workshop (17.-21.07.):

The talks will be in Amphitheater Ehresmann, and the coffee breaks will still be in the room Sophie Germain. But for the afternoon discussion sessions, we will divide into subgroups. We can use Amphitheater Ehresmann, the room Sophie Germain, the tables and blackboards in the main hall, and the room BC 21.