Symplectic singularities
at the
University of Bath

15th - 18th July 2024

This informal, research-focused workshop encouraged interactions between researchers in algebraic geometry, representation theory and mathematical physics. The focus was on recent developments in the theory of symplectic singularities, as well as connections to other fields.

Lecture series

Research seminars

Abstract: I will speak about Hikita-Nakajima conjecture. This is a certain observation in the spirit of symplectic duality which relates equivariant cohomology on one side of  the picture with the schematic fixed points (or, in case of quantizations, B-algebra) of the universal deformation on the dual side. I will try to show some precursors of it, as well as show some relatively basic examples of the conjecture. If time permits, I will explain some ways people took in proving it, and, if time permits (x2) I will say something about the limitations of the original conjecture

Abstract: We will explain the construction of associated varieties of vertex algebras. From 4D/2D duality they correspond to the Higgs branches of four-dimensional N = 2 superconformal field theories (SCFTs). Finally, we will explain a work in progress where we study the associated variety of modules and their intertwiners.

Abstract: Motivated by the study of compact symplectic varieties, we consider quiver varieties for single-vertex quivers and their involutions which we call the duality involutions. I will describe the geometric structure of these quiver varieties and of their quotients by the involutions, with a particular focus on the (non)existence of symplectic resolutions.


Funding has been generously provided by the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research. If you would like to apply for travel or accommodation expenses then send an email to both organisers.

Please enjoy the above artistic rendering of a Roman soldier eating a symplectic singularity, courtesy of generative AI.