Symmetric groups & Lie-theoretic friends

University of Birmingham

14-15 May 2024

This 2-day workshop on the representation theory of finite groups, in particular the symmetric groups, and their connections to Lie theory and wider topics, is part of the Algebraic Lie Theory network which is supported by a grant from the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences and EPSRC (Ref EP/V521929/1).  The workshop is also supported by the University of Birmingham School of Mathematics Alumni fund, specifically the Robert Clarke Legacy.

The workshop will consist of:

to facilitate the introduction of a wide range of mathematical ideas to the workshop audience and to encourage connections, new and existing, between participants.

To register for this workshop, please fill in the registration form. Registration is free for all participants.

Early career researchers are particularly encouraged to attend. To support early career researchers attending this workshop, a small number of ensuite twin rooms have been reserved at Peter Scott House, for 2 nights (13 May and 14 May). If you would like to apply for this shared accommodation option, please indicate this on the registration form.

The School of Mathematics has established a programme to offer funded child-care services to visiting researchers. To take advantage of this opportunity, it is recommended that you make contact with the organiser at the earliest convenience to ensure proper arrangements are made.

The School of Mathematics is committed to providing a welcoming, inclusive and safe community for all; see the school's Code of Conduct for staff, students and visitors. 

Organiser: Stacey Law 