Le programme

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Jour 1

Mardi 15 novembre

Inscription 14:00 - 15:00

15:00 - 16:00

Mot d'accueil et rencontre avec Mylène Ogliastro, directrice du département SPE d'INRAE

16:00 - 19:00

Session 1 - Mise en place des programmes symbiotiques

Chaires: Fernanda de Carvalho-Niebel, Jean-Malo Couzigou et Valérie Hocher

16:00 Introduction

16:10 Matthias Benoit - Epigenetic regulation of nodule development

16:40 Emanuele Biondi - Bacterial cell cycle at the core of the rhizobium-legume symbiosis

17:10 Fabienne Cartieaux - Rôle des subtilases dans les symbioses

17:40 Pause

18:00 Jean-Malo Couzigou - Interplay between environmental, plant and bacterial factors for an efficient root nodule symbiosis in soybean: from basic science to the SOYSTAINABLE public-private consortium

18:30 Discussion

19:00 Apéro dînatoire

Jour 2

Mercredi 16 novembre

9:00 -12:00

Session n°2 – Structuration des communautés autour des symbioses

Chaires : Pierre-Emmanuel Courty et Daniel Wipf

9:00 Introduction

9:10 Benoit Lefebvre, LIPME Toulouse: Impact of agricultural practices and host genetics on AMF associated with wheat roots

9:20 Juliana Almario, Rhizosphere group, LEM Lyon: Microbe-mediated plant adaptation, protection and fertilisation

9:30 Marc Lepetit, Symbiosis Group, Sophia-Antipolis: Interest and skills related to the work-group « symbiotic communities structuration

9:40 Virginie Bourion & Yanis Bouchenak-Khellad, Agroécologie, Dijon: Holobionte chez Pisum spp.: des Rhizobia à la rhizosphère

9:50 Aurélien Carlier, LIPME Toulouse: High-throughput cultivation of plant-associated bacteria

10:00 Elisa Taschend, Eco&Sols Montpellier: Wheat mixtures diversity, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and functional feedbacks

10:10 Barbara Pivato, Agroécologie, Dijon: Beneficial Interactions between leguminous plants and AM fungi, rhizobia and bacterial endophytes

10:30 - 10:45 Pause café

10:45 Sophie Trouvelot, Agroécologie Dijon: Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbisois in plant holobiont and its imbalance : case of the grapevine plant decline

11:05 Anissa Lounes, UCEIV Calais: Les mycorhizes comme agents potentiels de biocontrôle des maladies fongiques du blé & de phytoremédiation des sols pollués

11:25 Marc Buée, Ecogénomique des interactions, Nancy: Ecologie fonctionnelle des champignons ectomycorhiziens: coupler la structure des communautés de fongiques aux fonctions de décomposition de la matière organique.

11:45 Discussion

Déjeuner 12:00 - 13:30

13:30 - 15:30

Session n°3 – Symbiose et immunité

Chaires : Pierre Frendo, Pascal Ratet et Claire Veneault-Fourrey

13:30 Introduction

13:45 Mathilde Vincent - Does symbiotic Frankia modulate Alnus defenses against the pathogen Phytophthora?

14:10 Benjamin Goodluck - Nitrogen-fixing bacteria induce defense priming against pea aphid in Medicago truncatula

14:35 Pascal Ratet - Pathogenic and symbiotic like interactions of the Ensifer adhaerens/Medicago truncatula couple

15:00 Claire Fourrey - From the study of fungal symbiotic effectors towards a key role of root terpenes for the control of tree-microbes interactions

15:25 Discussion

Pause café 15:30 - 16:30

16:30 - 19:00

Session n°4 - Impact des symbioses sur la physiologie et développement des plantes

Chaires : Sandra Bensmihen et Florian Frugier

16:30 Introduction

16:45 Présentations Flash - Fabienne Cartieaux, Jean-François Arrighi, Alexandre Boscari, Daniel Wipf

17:15 Florian Frugier - Local and systemic pathways regulating antagonistically root and nodule development

17:40 Guilhem Reyt - Coordination between the root endodermis and endosymbiosis

18:05 Clémence Bonnot - What is the role of Small Secreted Proteins in regulating ECM symbiosis in response to biotic and abiotic nutrient signals in trees?

18:30 Discussion

19:00 Apéro dînatoire

Jour 3

Jeudi 17 novembre

9:00 -12:00

Session n°5 - Mécanismes évolutifs des interactions symbiotique

Chaire : Delphine Capela

9:00 Delphine Capela - Introduction

9:10 Annie Lebreton - From saprotrophism to symbiosis in the Russulales order with a focus on the ectomycorrhizal Lactarius genus

9:30 Amira Boukherissa -Coevolution between NCR peptides and BacA transporters in the rhizobium-legume symbiosis

9:50 Jean-François Arrighi - Genetic basis of the Nod-independent symbiosis in Aeschynomene evenia

10:10 - 10:30 Pause

10:30 Jean Keller - Comparative phylotranscriptomics reveals a 110 million years old symbiotic program

10:50 Cyril Libourel - Rewiring the common signaling pathway for nodulation

11:10 Aurélien Carlier - Genetic determinants of leaf nodule symbiosis

11:30 Discussion finale et clôture des journées

Déjeuner 12:00 - 14:00 Départ