MR. Sylvester

U.S. Government

Origins and theories of government, the U. S. Constitution and Federalism, Political Ideology, the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches, and Texas Government knowledge.

Advanced Placement Government

College level course to prepare students for the A. P. national exam on U. S. Politics and Policy

Teacher Info.

Required Resources: (1) 70 - 120 page College-ruled/Spiral-bound/Handy-dandy Notebook, an ink pen, highlighter, your brain, a positive attitude, a modicum of trust, and a desire to learn everyday.

I offer tutorials everyday before/after school and during 1st/3rd/5th periods by appointment please. Also, feel free to email me @ (replied within 12 hours) or please leave a message on my voice mail at: 817 - 282 - 2551 x7311 and I will get back to you promptly same day if during school hours - thanks!