Consultancy Services

Our consultancy services provide comprehensive solutions tailored to your business needs. With our expertise and strategic approach, we offer guidance in areas such as strategy, operations, marketing, and organizational development, helping you drive growth and achieve sustainable success.

Your Trusted Partner Consultant Firm Solutions.

Our comprehensive advisory services encompass business policy and strategy, providing guidance and operational assistance. We specialize in assisting organizations with overall planning, structuring, and control, ensuring effective management and optimal decision-making. With our expertise, we help businesses navigate challenges and achieve their strategic objectives for sustained growth and success.

Great leaders have always surrounded themselves with great advisors. Advisors who not just gave opinions, but could also act and succeed on behalf of their leader.

And in the business world, succeeding means always striving to continually improve. Improve profits, improve cash flow, improve stockholder returns, improve customer service and the list goes on. History lessons are clear; companies that adapt prosper; those that do not, fail. Yet change is difficult and often avoided. Efforts to improve meet with resistance, from expected and unexpected sources

General management consulting services

Advisory, guidance and operational assistance services concerning business policy and strategy and the overall planning, structuring and control of an organization. More specifically, general management consulting assignments may deal with one or a combination of the following: policy formulation, determination of the organisational structure (decision making system) that will most effectively meet the objectives of the organization, strategic business plans, defining a management system, development of management reports and controls, business turnaround plans, management audits, development of profit improvement programmes and other matters which are of particular interest to the higher management of an organization.

Financial management and internal audit consulting services

Advisory, guidance and operational assistance services concerning decision areas which are financial in nature, such as working capital and liquidity management, determination of an appropriate capital structure, analysis of capital investment proposals, development of accounting systems and budgetary controls, business valuations prior to mergers and/or acquisition, etc.

Marketing management consulting services

Advisory, guidance and operational assistance services concerning the marketing strategy and marketing operation of an organization.

Marketing consulting assignments may deal with one or a combination of the following: analysis and formulation of a marketing strategy, formulation of customer service and pricing policies, sales management and staff training, organization of distribution channels (sell to wholesalers or directly to retailers, direct mail, franchise, etc), organization of the distribution process, package design and other matters related to the marketing strategy and operations of an organization.

Human resources management consulting services

Advisory, guidance and operational assistance services concerning the human resources management of an organization. Human resources consulting assignments may deal with one or a combination of the following: audit of the personnel function, development of a human resource policy, human resource planning, recruitment procedures, motivation and remuneration strategies, human resource development, labour-management relations, absenteeism control, performance appraisal and other matters related to the personnel management function of an organization.

Production management consulting services

Advisory, guidance and operational assistance services concerning methods for improving productivity, reducing production costs and improving the quality of production. Production consulting assignments may deal with one or a combination of the following: effective utilisation of materials in the production process, inventory management and control, quality control standards, time and motivation studies, job and work methods, performance standards, safety standards, office management, planning and design and other matters related to production management, excluding advisory services and design for plant layout and industrial processes which are normally offered by consulting engineering establishments.  

Public relations services

Advisory, guidance and operational assistance services concerning methods to improve the image and relations of an organization or individuals with the general public, government, voters, shareholders and others. 

Other management consulting services

Advisory, guidance and operational assistance services concerning other matters. These services include industrial development consulting services, tourism development consulting services, etc.

Project management services other than for construction

Co-ordination and supervision services of resources in preparing, running and completing a project on behalf of the client. Project management services can involve budgeting, accounting and cost control, procurement, planning of timescales and other operating conditions, co-ordination of sub-contractors’ work, inspection and quality control, etc. these services consist only of management services; operating staff services are excluded.

Arbitration and conciliation services

Assistance services through arbitration or meditation for the settlement of a dispute between labour and management, between businesses or between individuals.

Other management services

Co-ordination supervision services of resources in preparing, running and completing a project on behalf of the client. Project management services can involve budgeting, accounting and cost control, procurement, planning of timescales, and other operating conditions, co-ordination of sub-contractors’ work, inspection and quality control, etc. these services consist only of management services; operating staff services are excluded.