Math 730 Fundamental Concepts of Topology

Fall 2018

Class time: 11:00-12:15 TTh

Class location: 0124 CHM

Instructor: Sarah Yeakel

Office: MTH 4111

Office Hours: TTh 1:30-2:30, or by appointment

Email Address: syeakel(at)math(dot)umd(dot)edu

Picture at right by Anatoly Fomenko

Syllabus: Here is the syllabus.


Notes so far (includes more pictures)

Weekly notes are not currently available, but the notes above were covered in 15 weeks.


can be turned in during class, by email, or in my departmental mailbox

The PDFs for weekly homework are not currently available.

HW 1, due Thursday Sept 6 by 5pm

HW 2, due Thursday Sept 13 by 5pm

HW 3, due Thursday Sept 20 by 5pm

HW 4, due Thursday Sept 27 by 5pm

HW 5, due Thursday Oct 4 by 5pm

HW 6, due Thursday Oct 11 by 5pm

HW 7, due Tuesday Oct 23 by 5pm

HW 8, due Thursday Nov 1 by 5pm

HW 9, due Thursday Nov 8 by 5pm

HW 10, due Thursday Nov 15 by 5pm

HW 11, due Tuesday Nov 27 by 5pm

HW 12, due Tuesday Dec 4 by 5pm

HW 13, due Tuesday Dec 11 by 5pm


One 75 minute midterm will be given October 23 during class, in the usual classroom. Please refer to the syllabus for the policy on missed exams.

Midterm: October 23

Final Exam: Wednesday, December 12, 8-10AM

Here is a copy of the final exam for this course.


Our textbook: Hatcher's Algebraic Topology

Other books: May's Concise Course

Do a google for a free pdf of Bredon's Topology and Geometry

Previous 730 exams at the math testbank.

Previous Topology Qualifying exams