Yang Style Lao Liu Lu

Tai Chi Quan


悉尼 楊式太極老六路拳

Yang Style Lao Liu Lu Tai Chi Quan


Yang Style LaoLiuLu TaiChi Quan is widely known outside of China as "Imperial Yang Tai Chi", and is based on the original form known as "Lao Liu Lu" "Old Six Road" , or "Old Six Routine". The 89 movements of the "Lao Liu Lu" Tai Chi form, is different to the more common 85 form taught by Yang Jian Hou's son, Yang ChengFu, and that has become very popular throughout the world.

The story goes that the "Lao Liu Lu" routine as part of the original Yang system, was initially only taught to close members of the Yang family. Eventually though, grand master Yang Jian Hou was invited to teach in the royal court that included teaching the Emperor's guards who were already well versed fighters and who appreciated learning such an intricate art. Wang Chunglu learnt the routine whilst employed in the royal courts and eventually went on to teach his own son Wang Yongquan.

Master Wang Yong Quan was the first person to teach the form and it's mind intent methods to the public in the 1980s when he passed his knowledge on to Grand Master Wei Shuren . Grand Master Wei would then carry on from his teacher, publishing books and videos on the system and formulating the concise 22 and 37 step versions of the long form. Nowdays schools of Lao Liu Lu system be found throughout China as well as other countries like Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Poland, Australia and USA

Yang Style Lao Liu Lu Tai Chi Quan

Practice of the form can be though of as "moving meditation" were one cultivates one's own spirit "Shen", intention "Yi" and life force "Chi" to provide numerous health benefits.

With the practice of partner sensitivity exercises, one learns to "feel" and control the partner's Yi/Chi and to channel it as desired, with minimal effort. It provides an understanding for how to relate in interactions with others such as in martial arts/self defence situations.

Class in Sydney

Regular classes in the Eastern suburbs & Inner West Area of Sydney.

We conduct our sessions in a casual , non competitive way for the purpose of mutual benefit.