Sydney Bike Hash

What we're about

We're part of the "Hash House Harriers" (HHH) a loosely-knit international group of runners and cyclists with chapters in over 160 countries around the world. 

The Sydney Bike Hash conducts a monthly ride ("hashes") around greater Sydney.  A typical bike hash involves one or two members ("hares") marking a "trail" using chalk arrows through cycle ways, roads and trails for the "pack" to follow on their bikes.  Trails leave from a pre-arranged starting point, typically via a pub stop, to a pre-arranged ending point, where the beer is (self supplied)! 

Trails are anywhere from 10-20km depending on the hare, but are designed to be completed in a few hours (including the pub stop).

Bring your bike, helmet, water, lock, and some $$ for drinks after the ride.  We usually go out for a meal at a local pub or brewery after the ride. 

Join our Facebook and Meetup groups

Bike Hash #162

Saturday, May 25, 2024

1:00 PM to 5:00 PM AEST 

Hare is Smear Please. Details soon.

Meet at the Sydney Park brick kilns and chimneys at 1pm to go off r*ding around inner outer somewhere in Sydney in search of Beers.

Plan B if it rains - Find the Hare at a brewery and we'll be brewery hopping in inner west reminiscing what could've been THE best bike hash ever!!