December 3 to 6, 2024

Australasian Summer School: Recent Trends in Algorithms

at The University of Sydney


A four-day summer school in theoretical computer science

 Registration to attend the summer school is free, but mandatory. If you are a student (undergraduate or Ph.D.) wishing to apply for travel support, please fill this other form by Monday, September 2 AoE.

The Australasian Summer School will take place the week prior to the 35th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2024), also held in Sydney.

The Themes

Day 1: Tuesday

Algorithmic Fairness

Day 2: Wednesday

Quantum Computing

Day 3: Thursday

Data Structures

Day 4: Friday




The Speakers

Haris Aziz


Troy Lee


Ioana O. Bercea

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Lydia Zakynthinou

UC Berkeley



The Venue

The School will take place on the University of Sydney's main campus, and student attendees will have the option to stay in one of the University's colleges.


Organisers and Sponsors

The School is organised by Clément Canonne, Julian Mestre, André van Renssen, William Umboh, and Tony Wirth, and is made possible thanks to the support of the ACM SIGACT, Google Research, and the University of Sydney's School of Computer Science.