Shiao-Wen Tsai  lab

Biomaterilas lab @ BME-CGU

Research Interests

The main interests are the interdisciplinary topics of nanostructure of biomaterials and cellular responses, with a focus on the exploiting and understanding of the influences of the nanostructures of biopolymers on behaviors of cells. Our lab also works on the gold nanoparticles-mediated hyperthermia for the application of non-invasion thermotherapy, particularly on understanding the mechanism of photo-thermal effects on cells responses.

1. Development three-dimensional scaffolds for tissue engineering applications.

2. Modification of chemical, physical and surface properties of biomaterials for biomedical applications.

3. Development new type of hydrogels used as cell/drug carriers.

4. Conjugation metal nanoparticles and biomaterials for biomedical application.

Selected journal paper (past five years)
