The Satirists

Co-host/ Dungeon Manager

Cassidy Williams

Co-host/ Audio Wizard

Co-host/ Perky Paladin

Jamie is the host supreme, keeping the other lunatics he co-hosts with in line, and serving as your guide throughout each episode. 

Jamie is also the social media bard, weaving the tales of our exploits with classic memes to lure in listeners and connect with our adoring fans!

Cassidy is the co-host with imaginative wit and foul mouth, who is primarily the one responsible for the show's explicit tag. 

Cass is also the audio wizard for the show, constructing words of wisdom about each episode, and using the magic of sound (and audio editing software) to unveil the mysteries for your listening pleasure!

Jack is the mad lad co-host who brings the charm, goofy banter, and zany cross-media tie-ins to every discussion.  

Jack is also our resident mythology expert, anime and RPG enthusiast, and meme cultural broker!