SwordMaid can be reached at 09319935410.


How Do I Contact SwordMaid?

SwordMaid can be reached at 09319935410.

Where are you located?

We are located in Cabuyao, Laguna City. Follow this link to GoogleMaps.

How Much does a Restoration Cost?

Restoration Cost depends on the damage that needs to be restored and the cost of the materials. Some materials sometimes needs to be ordered first. Send us a message on Messenger by clicking this link so we can discuss all of the details.

Planning to visit us in SwordMaid?

Please send us a message on messenger or text 09319935410 first if you commuting or driving since parking is difficult in our area and since we want to make sure you won't get lost.

If you are commuting from Manila:

SwordMaid can be reached at 09319935410.