Award of Arms scroll for Rúni Hofmann
Backlog Award of Arms scroll for Rúni Hofmann (known at the time as Rúnfríðr Hofmansdóttir), awarded on 2 November 2013 by Ragnarr and Lynette at Fall Crown Tournament
Materials: Higgins Ink, gouache, Fine-tec liquid gold on Bristol paper
Script: Insular miniscule
Let it be known that We, Ragnarr and Lynette,
King and Queen of all Atlantia,
having determined to give an
Award of Arms to Our subject
Rúnfríðr Hofmansdóttir
And give unto her the following Arms
that all may know her worth:
Per saltire vert and azure, in pale two cups Or and in fess two ravens close respectant argent
To be borne by her and no other
throughout the Known World.
In witness whereof We hereto set Our hands
this second day of November
being the year A.S. XLVIII
at Fall Crown Tournament
in Our Barony of Ponte Alto.
This was my first scroll, and a backlog scroll, so I had plenty of time to research.
My research found that the recipient had a Viking Era persona and had an interest in 10th century archaeology. While this was still fairly broad, for ease of selecting exemplars, I focused my research efforts on the Irish Book of Kells, and chose insular miniscule as my script particularly because it was used by Irish monks in period, to further personalize the scroll. Thankfully the Book of Kells is entirely digitized by Trinity College Dublin and available freely on their website, which made identifying exemplars particularly easy.
As this was my first scroll, I wanted something straightforward and classic, so I opted for a two border piece, which gave me plenty of space to center the receipient's Arms prominently in the middle of the scroll.
The Book of Kells uses an insular script, and while this required me to have a particularly steady hand for all the swoopy bits, it was a fun challenge
Fol 183r, adapted for use as left border.
I loved the Celtic knotwork within the border itself, which mixed gouache with gilding. This was also a good opportunity for me to practice diapered patterns within the central part of the border
My left border
Fol 8r, adapted for use as the right border
I enjoyed the great curves in this shape, and the inclusion of the bird heads in the internal circles.
My right border
The recipient loves cats, so I couldn't help but include a detail piece. Exemplar above.
My detail 1
My detail 2. Note the "broken tail" per the exemplar