Graduate Credit

Please upload your reflection to this Google Folder:

Graduate Credit Instructions:

1 semester hour from University of Dayton

Cost: $175 (you will be billed by UD)

1. Fill out attached form and leave in box at registration table. (only fill out boxes that are checked).

2. To earn the graduate credit, you must do the following:

A) Attend sessions at the Desmos Institute

B) Create your own Desmos Activity to use in the classroom.

C) Write a 1 page reflection piece on how Desmos can (or is) changing your approach to math instruction. Include in your reflection the student code, and grade levels for which the activity is designed.

D) Name the file with your LastName.FirstName ex. Mitter.Scott

E) Upload your file to the folder named Desmos Reflections on the institute website before September 30, 2018.

F) You will receive an invoice from University of Dayton in the mail.