Completed Projects

Completed Projects

Ad hoc Drone Communication System using Sub-GHz LPWAN

  • H/W Design for Sub-GHz Low Power Mesh Communication
  • Designing & Developing Quadcopter with Hovering Algorithm
  • Designing & Implementing LPWAN MAC & Ad hoc Routing Protocol

Intelligent Fire Evacuation System based on Fingerprinting with Bluetooth Low Energy

  • Developing 2-types of BLE Beacon H/W
  • Combining Trilateration & Fingerprinting for Consideration of Constraint Computation Resource
  • Estimating Optimal Escape Route against Fire Evacuation

Drone-interactive intelligence system for fire evacuation and rescue using BLE-based indoor positioning technology

  • Implementing Selective Sector-based Precise Indoor Localization
  • Developing Smart Sensors employing LiDAR & Doppler Radar Sensors
  • Indoor Drone Navigating based on IPS System

2016 한이음 공모전

  • 입선
  1. 화재대피시스템을 위한 Bluetooth Low Energy기반 핑거프린팅 실내측위기술 개발(대중상 수상)
  2. LPWAN 메쉬 네트워크를 활용한 원거리 Ad-hoc 드론 통신모듈 개발
  3. Optical Sensor와 BLE를 이용한 Drone 실내 위치인식 및 호버링

2018 공모전

  • 주요 성과

1. 창업 아이디어 유망 300 출품

2. 교내 창업동아리 경진대회 우수상

3. 한이음 프로젝트