Contact Information

Associate Professor


Department of Artificial Intelligence

Korea University

402 Woojung Hall of Informatics, 145 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 02841

Republic of Korea

E-mail: sungwoong.kim01 at gmail dot com


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About Me

I am an Associate Professor in the department of Artificial Intelligence at Korea University. I direct AGI Lab where our research focuses on realizing artificial general intelligence to make an AI agent can perform task generalization and self-learning. I received BS and Ph.D degrees from KAIST in 2004 and 2011, respectively. When I was a graduate student, my research area was machine learning, especially applied to speech and image processing, under supervision by Professor Chang D. Yoo. In the middle of my Ph.D course, I performed research internships at National ICT Australia under supervision by Dr. Alex Smola and Mircosoft Research Cambridge under supervision by Dr. Pushmeet Kohli and Dr. Sebastian Nowozin. After receiving my Ph.D degree, I was in KAIST as a postdoc researcher, and then worked as a staff engineer at Qualcomm Research Korea. In 2017, I joined Kakao Brain and worked as a research scientist conducting several research projects mostly related to artificial general intelligence. Then, in March 2023, I joined Korea University.



Research Area

Artificial General Intelligence, Machine Learning, Graphical Modeling, Deep Learning, Meta Learning, Representation Learning, Generative Modeling, Reinforcement Learning, Optimization, Multi-Modal Learning, Language Modeling, Multimedia Signal Processing.

Ph.D. Dissertation

"Task-specific Image Partitioning based on Discriminative Higher-Order Correlation Clustering", Department of EE, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Aug., 2011.

Project Experiences


International Journal Papers

International Conference Papers


