The Konkordanzbatzen among the Swiss cantons agreeing on an exclusive issue of currency in francs and batzen failed to replace the over 8,000 different coins and notes in circulation. Despite introduction of the first Swiss franc, the South German kronenthaler became the more desirable coin to use in the 19th century, and it was still quoted in pre-1798 currency equivalents. Furthermore, less than 15% of Swiss money in circulation was in local currency, since French and German gold and silver trade coins proved to be more desirable means of exchange.[10] A final problem was that the first Swiss franc was based on the French cu which was being phased out by France in the 19th century.

To solve this problem, the new Swiss Federal Constitution of 1848 specified that the federal government would be the only entity allowed to issue money in Switzerland. This was followed two years later by the first Federal Coinage Act, passed by the Federal Assembly on 7 May 1850, which introduced the franc as the monetary unit of Switzerland.

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The Swiss franc has historically been considered a safe-haven currency, with a legal requirement that a minimum of 40% be backed by gold reserves.[17] However, this link to gold, which dated from the 1920s, was terminated on 1 May 2000 following a referendum, making the franc fiat money.[18][19] By March 2005, following a gold-selling program, the Swiss National Bank held 1,290 tonnes of gold in reserves, which equated to 20% of its assets.[20]

In 1907, the Swiss National Bank took over the issuance of banknotes from the cantons and various banks. It introduced denominations of 50, 100, 500 and 1000 francs.[59] 20-franc notes were introduced in 1911, followed by 5-franc notes in 1913.[60] In 1914, the Federal Treasury issued paper money in denominations of 5, 10 and 20 francs. These notes were issued in three different versions: French, German and Italian.[61] The State Loan Bank also issued 25-franc notes that year. In 1952, the national bank ceased issuing 5-franc notes but introduced 10-franc notes in 1955. In 1996, 200-franc notes were introduced whilst the 500-franc note was discontinued.

Nine series of banknotes have been printed by the Swiss National Bank, seven of which have been released for use by the general public, the fourth and seventh being reserved and never issued. The sixth series from 1976, designed by Ernst and Ursula Hiestand [de], depicted persons from the world of science.This series was recalled on 1 May 2000 and is no longer legal tender, but notes can still be exchanged for valid ones of the same face value at any National Bank branch or authorized agent, or mailed in by post to the National Bank in exchange for a bank account deposit. The exchange program originally was due to end on 30 April 2020, after which sixth-series notes would lose all value.[62] As of 2016, 1.1 billion francs' worth of sixth-series notes had not yet been exchanged, even though they had not been legal tender for 16 years and only 4 more years remained to exchange them. To avoid having to expire such large amounts of money in 2020, the Federal Council (cabinet) and National Bank proposed in April 2017 to remove the time limit on exchanges for the sixth and future recalled series.[63][64] As of 2020, this proposal was enacted, so old banknote series will not expire.

Since its previous FATF assessment in 2005, Switzerland has strenghtened its AML/CFT regime. These efforts rest on a clear political will to promote the integrity of its financial center. In line with this, legal reforms have taken place in order to meet the requirements of the FATF Recommendation, and to address the significant money laundering risks that Switzerland faces.

On the operational side, law enforcement authorities have demonstrated the effectiveness of their investigative methods and of the mutual legal assistance they provide in the context of international money laundering cases. A number of these investigations related to grand corruption cases and led to the repatriation of considerable amounts to affected countries.

The Swiss Confederation and local public authorities use Money market debt register claims as a means to raise shorts term funds. They were first issued in 1979 and are now an established part of the Swiss money market. Money market debt register claims generally render from three to twelve months and interest is paid on a discount basis.

Money laundering serves to conceal the origin of assets that have been acquired illegally to enable them to flow back into the legal financial system. In general, three steps are used to make dirty money appear legal:

MROS publishes annual statistics on developments in combating money laundering, organised crime and terrorist financing in Switzerland, and identifies typologies that are useful for training financial intermediaries. MROS is not a police authority in itself, but rather an administrative unit with special tasks.


MROS is a member of the Egmont Group, which is an international association of Financial Intelligence Units (FIU) whose objective is to foster a secure, prompt and legally admissible exchange of information in order to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

Or if you order by 3pm and choose home delivery instead, we can send your travel money to you by Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1pm, which aims to deliver the next working day. Orders over 500 have free delivery on working days. Orders of 400 to 499 cost 4.99 to deliver.

Post Office Travel Money Card is an electronic money product issued by First Rate Exchange Services Ltd pursuant to license by Mastercard International. First Rate Exchange Services Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales with number 4287490 whose registered office is Great West House, Great West Road, Brentford, TW8 9DF, (Financial Services Register No. 900412). Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.

Since 1 January 2016, article 305-bis SCC includes aggravated tax misdemeanour as a predicate offence for money laundering. An aggravated tax misdemeanour is any of the offences set out in article 186 of the Federal Act on Direct Federal Taxation and article 59(1) (1) of the Federal Act on the Harmonisation of Direct Federal Taxation at Cantonal and Communal Levels, if the tax evaded in any tax period exceeds 300,000 francs. This implies that the taxpayer must have abused the tax authority by using a forgery in the documents.

As mentioned above, Switzerland has jurisdiction to prosecute a money-laundering act committed on Swiss soil involving assets stemming from an offence committed abroad. For instance, Swiss law applies if the offender has had recourse from abroad to a financial intermediary active on Swiss soil to launder assets. Swiss law also applies to the offender who carries out money laundering operations from Swiss soil, even if the laundered assets are located abroad.

Switzerland does not have a general extraterritorial jurisdiction to prosecute an act of money laundering committed abroad. Swiss criminal jurisdiction can extend to Swiss offenders or offences committed against a Swiss person at restrictive conditions mentioned under article 7 of the SCC.

A money laundering offence is also applicable to entities within the meaning of article 102(4) of the SCC (any legal entity under private law or under public law with exception of local authorities, companies, sole proprietorships; together "undertakings").

Such an entity is penalised for money laundering committed within itself in the exercise of commercial activities in accordance with the objects of such undertaking, provided that it has failed to take all the reasonable organisational measures that are required in order to prevent such an offence.

In the context of financial crime, the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland has primary jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute notably offences of money laundering and failure to identify the beneficial owner of a financial relationship, provided that these offences have to a substantial extent been committed abroad or have been committed in two or more cantons with no single canton being the clear focus of the criminal activity.

The various cantonal prosecution offices have jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute offences of money laundering committed in their respective cantons, which are not subject to the federal jurisdiction as mentioned above. In practice, cantonal prosecution offices also investigate and prosecute very significant money laundering cases with transnational backgrounds (especially Zurich or Geneva prosecution offices).

Simple money laundering acts committed since 1 January 2014 are subject to a 10-year statute of limitations, respectively to a seven-year statute of limitation when committed between 1 October 2002 and 31 December 2013 included.

To this day, there is no leading judgment solving the question as to whether and at which conditions, in the presence of various acts of money laundering committed by the same offender at different times, the limitation period of all these various acts of money laundering could be deemed as beginning on the day on which the final money laundering act was carried out.

The simple offence of money laundering is punishable by a custodial sentence not exceeding three years or a monetary penalty. The monetary penalty may amount to a maximum of 180 daily penalty units, which range depending on the personal and financial circumstances of the offender from 30 francs to 3,000 francs and can therefore reach a maximum of 540,000 francs.

For companies convicted of money laundering, article 102 SCC provides for a fine not exceeding 5 million francs. The court assesses the fine in particular in accordance with the seriousness of the offence, the organisational inadequacies and the loss or damage caused, and based on the economic capacity of the entity. 006ab0faaa

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