To give this contact the option to override a Focus, so any important messages can get through, turn on Emergency Bypass. You might turn it on for a family member, caretaker, or colleague, for example.

I have an S21 (on T-Mobile) and all of a sudden my text notifications don't work. Everything is allowed under the settings, but only texts from three people actually show up. The rest just vibrate, but there is no pop-up. I've tried turning everything (notification-wise) on and off, even turning them on one at a time. But, nothing changes. I have no idea why the three names are showing up where they are, but they are the only ones it works for. I am SOOOO frustrated. Any help would be greatly appreciated. By the way, this is not for bubble messaging/notifications; I've never used that and don't like it, but that also seems to be working fine, just not the pop-up notifications.

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It all started this morning when I receibed a text message from a friend but when I got it it said "Message from unknown number" I know who it was and I read the message, I cleared it from Notification center but the bubble still stays there...

I had this problem as well. To fix it all I did was delete a conversation that came from some contest I had entered like 979-00 (pretty sure you can delete any conversation though) and then the new text showed up which was just a bubble (had nothing in the conversation). Deleted that conversation and buble disappeared. Hope this helps you.

You do not have to get email notifications in order to receive text notifications. Getting both, especially if you have a smartphone, might be a good idea; you can easily check the email for details, whether the message is a reminder of due dates coming up, notice of holds that are ready for you, or an overdue notice.

You can use Amazon SNS to send text messages, or SMS messages, to SMS-enabled devices. You can send a message directly to a phone number, or you can send a message to multiple phone numbers at once by subscribing those phone numbers to a topic and sending your message to the topic.

You can set SMS preferences for your AWS account to tailor your SMS deliveries for your use cases and budget. For example, you can choose whether your messages are optimized for cost or reliable delivery. You can also specify spending quotas for individual message deliveries and monthly spending quotas for your AWS account.

Where required by local laws and regulations (such as the US and Canada), SMS recipients can opt out, which means that they choose to stop receiving SMS messages from your AWS account. After a recipient opts out, you can, with limitations, opt in the phone number again so that you can resume sending messages to it.

My watch does not receive text message notifications all of the sudden. It receives all other notifications, but not texts. I do not think I changed any settings on my watch or my phone to cause this change. Could it be related to the recent iPhone update? Has anyone else experienced this problem? Thanks.

Instant SMS or text messaging is the premium mode of communication for critical messaging. With an SMS Alert System in place, your emergency notification will be delivered immediately. There is no requirement for an internet connection, your message will be received instantly across an array of available handset and device types, and you know your alert will be seen.

Best of all, you do not need Zapier to set this up as some other WordPress form plugins require, which can help you simplify your tech stack and save a lot of money when sending your text message form notifications.

For example, you might want to wait to send an SMS confirmation message until the admin takes some action, such as confirming an appointment. Or, you might want to send the SMS in the future, such as sending it 24 hours before the event that a user registered for is scheduled to begin.

You can send SMS notifications for all form entries. Or, you can use conditional logic to control when to send a text message (or route text messages to different numbers based on how the user filled out the form).

I'd like to see if there is a way to receive text message notifications when I receive an email notification. It is a challenge to communicate in a timely fashion as I'm not always at my computer but don't want to miss the chance to talk since we are in different parts of the world.

Are you referring to receiveing messages on your phone number directly? If yes, unfortunately we don't have this option at the moment but you can download our mobile app. When a message is sent you will receive a notification and you will be able to open the message room right away and start chatting with your freelancers. You can download our mobile app on this Link, if you have any additional questions let me know. Thank you.

If wyzecam could send email notifications then Verizon users could get those notifications as a text message on their phone by using when not connected to the internet. Other phone providers may offer a similar email-to-text message feature.

I like the idea of having SMS notifications as an option. It would help in those cases where users may not have data coverage or poor overall coverage. In those cases SMS will still get through as it is sent via the voice channel on cellular networks. So if a phone falls back to a legacy 3G or 2G network that really only supports voice then this could be a good option.

I want a per-camera SMS notification option because, when you have several cameras in several locations, you cannot keep constantly looking at the feed in the app for every time the wind blew. Say I have one of all these cameras somewhere that, normally, should never see motion - but when it does, I really need to know right away. Indoor security, snake cage escape, missing artwork, repro Terminator 2000 come alive, etc.

Thank you.

I also would appreciate an SMS notification. When using as a security camera, several immediate ways to notify of motion detected would be good, to offer as much time as possible to investigate or report before any criminal types escaped.

The best way to Self Monitor your house is with a Camera with Motions and/or Sound Alerts,

But what if you are away, or cannot receive the alerts.

It would be great if you can also have the Camera send text/SMS alerts to your neighbors (with their consent of course).

So if someone is breaking into your house or a tree falls on it, they are right next door and can check it out or call the proper authorities.

Neighbors watching out for each other is the best way to go.

We suggest setting up text message notifications so that you never miss a contact form submission. You may configure up to 2 mobile phone numbers to receive notifications every time a contact form is submitted.

For some time now I have not been receiving notifications when getting a text message on my iPhone. Notifications for all other apps work fine, and I have checked that notifications for messages are switched on in settings.

Once again, after the latest "update" (a term I will use loosely because it disabled features I wanted and now has things I decidedly don't want like 2-step verification), the notification sounds for messages doesn't work. I say again because this happens frequently. Yes, Do Not Disturb is off (and every other app and notification works, just not text messages). Yes, notification sounds for the text messaging app is enabled. Yes, the notification setting is set to "alert". Yes, sound is enabled. It still doesn't work. I am forced to check my phone more than I would like because I never know if someone texted or not.

Unlike the last couple of times, THIS TIME, not only does it not make a sound when people text, when I go to recheck the setting to make sure it is all enabled, when I select a tone to use (yes, only the Samsung default tones), there is no sound for any of them (yes, my volume is up). Let me reiterate: EVEN THE SELECTION FOR THE NOTIFICATION SOUND DOESN'T MAKE A SOUND. Something has gone terribly wrong with this function. I don't even know why the programmers were messing with it in the first place. I hate iPhone's with a passion but, things like this will make me jump ship. Please fix it!

The problem I have, if I happen to be on the text screen from the person I just received a text from, and they send another one there is NO notification. 

I get a notification when at the home screen

I get a notification when at the list of conversations

I get a notification when on the text screen but the screen is locked

I DO NOT get a notification when on the text screen and it is NOT locked.

Any suggestions?

These results come from two experiments conducted by Pew Research Center using its American Trends Panel (ATP), a probability-based, nationally representative group of people who have agreed to take multiple surveys and receive text messages about them. The first experiment examined the effect of sending a text as a first notification to take a survey. The second experiment examined using text messages to remind people to take a survey. These messages were sent several days after the initial notification.

In the first experiment, web panelists who had previously consented to receiving text messages (2,109 out of 3,634 web panelists in total) were randomized into one of two groups: one group received survey invitations via email and the other received them via both text message and email.2On average, panelists in the email and text group completed the survey earlier than those in the email-only group. This difference was most dramatic at the beginning of the survey field period. By the end of the first full day, half (50%) of the email and text group had completed the survey, compared with 37% of the email-only group. 006ab0faaa

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