

That is the most often question asked.  School districts and businesses are often inundated by vendors to apply a new idea or technology into their buildings creating a maze.  Determining which one is cost effective for the benefit and non intrusive in the daily operations can be quite challenging and we can help.

S&W Integrated Safety Solutions can identify needed services or products to improve a campus or building.  Developing a realistic goal driven plan can assist in guiding decision makers in reducing risk over time and be prepared for the next challenge to patron safety. 

New construction or retrofit projects provide many opportunities to implement current technology or practices.  S&W Integrated Safety Solution can lead a collaborative consultation with decision makers and architects in developing cost effective designs and products beyond minimal safety codes that are often behind current real dangers.   

Focus Areas

Harden Entrances with Access Control and Window Security Film


Campus and Classroom Communications

Standardize Key Systems

Digital Signage

Vape Sensors