Swing Dance: An Accompaniment To Swing Music

When we talk about swing music, swing dance cannot be left behind. Swing music is intricately woven into swing dance and this form of music had given birth to quite a number of dance styles. In this blog, we will explore more about swing dance and even those most loved dance styles which created history and continue to influence contemporary dancers.

What is Swing Dance?

Before we delve any further, you need to know what swing dance actually is. So, swing dancing is an extremely lively and social dancing style that is of course accompanied by swing music. In this form of dancing, the dancer more than often lifts the dancing partner and spins and flips him/her, and gets a firm grip of the partner before he/she lands back on the floor. Swing dance is a renowned dance form among dancers of all ages.

Why do people enjoy swing dancing?

Dance and music have always been an expression of a person’s inner thoughts, emotions and feelings. Therefore, when someone dances or sings, he/she gets a proper vent to express the mind and the heart. The same thing can be said about swing dancing and swing music too (this is why people are so fond of the top swing music radio in the USA).

Swing dancing is an expression of freedom and independence.

It is a far cry of liberty that women and men were restricted from for ages.

Since swing dancing is a social form of dance, there are no restrictions or subjugations against any race, color or creed.

It is both ‘hep and happening’ and which is why youngsters of today love to swing to their heart’s content.

Swing music lovers cannot help but shake a leg or two to these tracks and so, swing dance comes as an easy, loved and available option to learn and execute.

Characteristics of swing dance

If you land up in a dance show, you will quite effortlessly spot the swing dancers because of the following traits:

Swing dancers are indeed ‘spot dancers’. This means that their floor movements are restricted and they are stationed in nearly one spot for performance.

Some also label it as a non-progressive dance because the dancing couple does not leave the spot and barely moves from their position.

As swing dance is a non-progressive dance, it is often performed on a crowded dance floor.

Swing is typically identified by a lot of flipping, swinging and lifting of the dancers.

The movements in swing dance are fast-paced but smooth.

The dance partners hold hands instead of placing them on each other’s shoulders or waists like in ballroom dancing.

The types of swing dances

Swing dances are varied and full of energy and spirits. And these dance styles, which have branched out from the main swing dance, require swiftness, passion and zeal.

Lindy Hop: This dance, which originated in Harlem, is one of the most popular swing dances.

East Coast Swing: This dance, which is commonly seen on club or tavern dance floors, was influenced by the Foxtrot.

West Coast Swing: It is a slotted dance where the follower moves back and forth along a rectangular or slotted path.

Jitterbug: Swing dancing is referred to as an umbrella term for this dance style.

Jive: Jive is a quick-paced dance and a version of the Jitterbug dance form.

Boogie-woogie: This dance is typically performed to rock or blues music.

Carolina Shag: A dance form that is set to be danced to beach music.


Get up and dance, and make merry! Listen to the top swing tracks on your most favorite big band radio stations like Swing Street Radio and make the dance floor all yours. Dance like nobody’s watching and feel like a free bird. This top swing radio channel plays awesome swing tracks from the yesteryears and keeps you pepped up all day long. So, keep listening, keep swinging.