Incident Protocols

Phase One: Reporting Process

Step One: A Report is Submitted

Step Two: Report Reception

Step Three: Reestablishing Immediate Safety (if/as requested by the reporter)

Step Four: The Safety Liaison Assesses Action Requests

Phase Two: Investigation, Advocacy, and Negotiation

The Safety Liaison will Meet with the Event Response Team

Phase Three: Enacting Restorative Interventions*

Expectations of Individuals Involved in Harmful Incidents

Note: Being informed that you have caused harm can be distressing. You are allowed to say that you need time and space to calm yourself before engaging with conversations and the restorative process. However, your access to the event will be limited until you are able to schedule a time to discuss the matter.

If an individual involved in a harmful incident refuses to engage in a restorative conversation with either the Safety Liaison or the Event Response team, that individual may be restricted from re-entering the event until that individual is willing to communicate with the aforementioned staff, acknowledge their part in the harmful incident, and take action to ensure no further harm occurs during the remainder of the event.