

I joined Songbirds in the very beginning feeling very nervous and thinking I haven't got a very good voice. It is now my family and has given me so much more confidence to sing out and have fun. The ladies are all there for you through thick and thin and are all fantastic.


I've always loved all music but never saw myself as musical. I joined the Songbirds when it began. It's great to sing harmonies and acapella songs from a wide range of genres with a lovely group of people


I love being a Songbird in it from the onset and so enjoys the friendship that goes with the singing and the laughter but take our group very seriously as we go forward to entertain


I have been singing for almost 40 years, having had vocal training under Sheila Harrod. It is great to be one of the founder members of The Songbirds and working with Lucy and the songbird ladies is both challenging and so rewarding. I can't believe how amazing it still is and it feels amazing.


I am a passionate and committed member of the Songbirds Ensemble who sing with precision, grace and power making music together. I have been part of this all female group since it's beginning and enjoy the fun and friendship I have found whilst rehearsing and preforming


I have sung as a hobby since school days, preforming with Stage Struck, TCOSS, Makin' Muzic and Corisande  Singers.

I joining Songbirds in 2017 and enjoy the fun, friendships and preforming experiences which I always try to photograph, being the tallest member with the longest arms and a 'Selfie Queen'.


I joined The Songbirds Choir 5 years ago and it's been the best time as everyone is so welcoming. I have always sung top soprano but this choir has given me the opportunity and encouraged me to sing other parts and develop my voice and singing techniques further. I love singing and even on bad days I like to attend as the choir certainly lifts my spirits.


I just love singing with my Songbird family. We support each other through lifes ups and downs and ALWAYS have a giggle whilst we do. Not sure where I would be without them.


I have loved singing for as long as I can remember, even from a small child. 

I have been singing with The Songbirds from its inception, which was soon after I retired and love being part of the group.


I have been a Songbird for 5 years. I got to be in the Songbirds by pure accident (literally) but it was meant to be. I've never known such a loving supportive network with the girls. I love to sing especially with my other birdies


 have always loved to sing. My mum always said that if my school work was written to music, I would got better exam results. I feel privileged to join the Songbirds, they are a fabulous group of ladies who all look out for each other. Since joining we have sung in London, at 2 weddings and various events. I love the variety of songs that we sing and look forward to all the songs we still have to learn


I enjoy singing with the Songbirds, it lifts my spirits, I feel everyone in Songbirds support and they are helpful to me. It has certainly made me more confident


I joined Songbirds in October 2022 having been a fan of them for many years. I love singing and have been a member of choirs/singing groups my entire adult life. Love all genres of music. 

I have lived in Swindon since 1984. I am an Emergency Nurse Practitioner/Student Mentor, currently working at GWH (semi retired). Nursing since 1981. Don't do the maths... let's just say 'old school'!! 

Most of my family live nearby, so spending time together whenever we can is important. Especially the grandchildren.


I had forgotten how much I love singing in choirs; it’s uplifting and mindful and creates wonderful social connections. I feel very lucky to have found the Songbirds in 2022. As one of the newest members I’ve been made so welcome by this lively and dedicated group. It’s a supportive environment in which to develop skills, build confidence and make friends.


Music and laughter are so good for the soul, and being a part of Songbirds give me a chance to express myself, work hard on some great songs but most importantly bond with a supportive group of women.

We enjoy that we do and hopefully that shows when we are on stage together, supported by the wonderful Lucy.


Music, especially singing, have been a very important part of my life sine the age of five. My career as a music teacher and primary school teacher continued my interest and hopefully inspired others to participate.

Singing always makes me feel at least a little bit better and stronger, it's a great way to shrug off the stress of the day and momentarily leave the problems behind.

Having participated in a variety of musicals, solo singing, theatre groups and choirs, it is great to have joined the Songbirds to continue my musical enjoyment.


I joined the Songbirds in 2023 and they have quickly made me feel part of their friendly group.  In my previous job at a local school, you would often find me helping out the Music Department during my breaks, particularly choir, ukulele and music theory.  Music has always been huge part of my life and it's great to be back singing again after taking a break while my boys were small.


I joined Songbirds in late 2023. Having sung in school, university and workplace choirs throughout my life, I'm delighted to have found such a lovely local choir in Swindon to join. Everyone has been so friendly and welcoming and I've really enjoyed how the varied The Swindon Songbirds repertoire is - there's a lot to catch up on.


A newbie to Songbirds. 

I have always loved singing and use it as an outlet to de-stress after a busy week's work