
Knowledge is power! Here I've compiled a list of my favouritest eating disorder resources, should you want to learn more about eating disorders or how to support a loved one.

The Looking Glass Foundation - Swim to Eat directly supports the Looking Glass Foundation. This page includes info on seeking support for yourself, caring for someone affected, general eating disorder education and their counsellor directory. You can also check out the awesome programs they offer! Some of these are online forums, counselling and peer-to-peer support, so you can access them from anywhere.

Kelty Mental Health - Kelty is a part of the BC Children's Hospital, and they have some of the most helpful and complete guides I have seen so far. This one here is my favourite; it's geared towards parents, but it is great for anyone who is supporting someone through an eating disorder.

National Eating Disorder Information Center - NEDIC is yet another amazing Canadian source for eating disorder support and education. They also operate the only national toll-free eating disorder specific helpline that can be accessed at 1-866-633-4220. Also, you don't have to have an eating disorder to call!! The line is open to parents/caregivers, friends, educators, and medical professionals seeking more information.

Here are some great Nanaimo-area organizations that offer treatment for eating disorders.

NARSF - NARSF's eating disorder program is open referral, meaning youth and their families with eating disorders can access this program without a diagnosis.

Central Island Pediatric Eating Disorders Program - This program is run by Island Health. It requires a physician diagnosis to enter, but more acute care is available.