Detailed Chemical Kinetics of Alkane Combustion

Paraffin wax is a great candidate for use as a hybrid rocket fuel. It burns three to four times faster than conventional polymer fuels, increasing thrust, and is non-toxic, which makes its transport safer and cheaper. However, hybrid rocket motors are not yet well-understood, and this limits ability to control combustion burning mode and the underlying thermo-chemical and mechanical behavior at the fuel-oxidizer interface. To address this challenge, we propose to extend the detailed chemical kinetic reaction mechanisms to treat large paraffin hydrocarbon fuels. This is part of a larger effort to achieve greater insight into ignition and combustion performance of these fuels (Center for Hybrid Rocket Exascale Simulation, or CHREST ( ).

Hundreds of thousands of elementary chemical reactions could potentially be involved in the combustion of paraffin fuel. The fact that only a small fraction of these are critically important to describe the overall combustion process creates a need to systematically generate a reaction mechanism and identify core reaction pathways in an automated fashion. We propose to use the Reaction Mechanism Generator (RMG, tool to determine the relevant core species and identify key reactions. Apart from obtaining estimates of reaction kinetics using rate rules and group-additivity estimates of thermochemical properties, we will conduct a sensitivity analysis with respect to reaction rate coefficients.

A reliable combustion mechanism that successfully identifies key reactions and estimates their kinetics and equilibria would be a major advance over available models.