Swierk Lab Publications

Peer-reviewed articles

35) Rojo A, & L Swierk. 2024. How does rapid body color change affect the conspicuity of lizards to their predators and conspecifics? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 78: 78 PDF

34) Parker DJ, Basak H, Foltynski P, & L Swierk. 2024. Changes to the acoustic properties of Gromphadorhina portentosa defensive sounds when exposed to the molting hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone. Ethology 130:  e13463.   PDF

33) Martin A, CK Boccia, & L Swierk. 2024. Diving behavior in semi-aquatic Anolis lizards results in heat loss with sex-specific cooling tolerance. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 78: 33.   PDF

32) Lopera D, KC Guo, BJ Putman, & L Swierk. 2022. Keeping it cool to take the heat: Tropical lizards have greater thermal tolerance in less disturbed habitats. Oecologia 199: 819–829.     PDF

31) Swierk L, M Petrula, & P Esquete. 2022. Diving behavior in a Neotropical spider (Trechalea extensa) as a potential antipredator tactic.  Ethology  128: 508-512.     PDF

30) Wuthrich KL, A Nagel, & L Swierk. 2022. Rapid body color change provides lizards with facultative crypsis in the eyes of their avian predators. The American Naturalist 199: 277-290.    PDF

29) Wuthrich KL, D Stock, J Talavera, BJ Putman, & L Swierk. 2021. Sexual signal conspicuity is correlated with tail autotomy in an anoline lizard. Current Zoology 68: 129-132.     PDF

28) Swierk L, & T Langkilde. 2021. Size-assortative mating in explosive breeders: A case study of adaptive male mate choice in anurans. Behaviour 158: 849-868.    PDF

27) Meadow M, J Tennessen, & L Swierk. 2021. A novel counting method for wood frog mating calls that preserves accuracy. Herpetological Review 52: 517-520.     PDF

26) Buss N, L Swierk, & J Hua. 2021. Amphibian breeding phenology influences offspring size and response to a common wetland contaminant. Frontiers in Zoology, 18: Article 31.   PDF

25)  Schnell L, & L Swierk. 2021. Caudal autophagy in a sphaerodactyline gecko from the Peruvian Amazon. Herpetological Bulletin 157: 44-45.    PDF

24) Boccia CK, L Swierk, FP Ayala-Varela, J Boccia, I Lima Borges, CA Estupiñán, AM Martin, RE Martínez-Grimaldo, S Ovalle, S Senthivasan, KS Toyama, M del Rosario Castañeda, A García, RE Glor, DL Mahler. 2021. Repeated evolution of underwater “rebreathing” in diving Anolis lizards. Current Biology 31: 2947-2954.    PDF

23) Talavera JB, A Carriere, L Swierk, & BJ Putman. 2021.  Tail autotomy is associated with boldness in male but not female water anoles. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 75: Article 44.    PDF

22) Swierk L, JFF Boyer, J Chang, M Petelo, & SM Drobniak. 2021. Intrasexual variability of a conspicuous social signal influences attack rate of lizard models in an experimental test. Evolutionary Ecology 35: 131-146.     PDF

21) Fondren A, L Swierk, & BJ Putman. 2020. Clothing color mediates lizard responses to humans in a tropical forest. Biotropica 52: 172-181.     PDF

20) Swierk L & T Langkilde. 2019. Fitness costs of mating with preferred females in a scramble mating system. Behavioral Ecology 30: 658-665.      PDF

19) Putman BJ, K Azure, & L Swierk. 2018. Dewlap size in male water anoles associates with consistent inter-individual variation in boldness. Current Zoology 65: 189-195.     PDF

18) Assis BA, L Swierk, & T Langkilde. 2018. Performance, behavior, and offspring morphology may offset reproductive cost of male-typical ornamentation for female lizards. Journal of Zoology 306: 235-242.   PDF

17) Tennessen JB, SE Parks, L Swierk, LK Reinert, WM Holden, LA Rollins-Smith, T Langkilde. 2018. Frogs adapt to physiologically costly traffic noise. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285: 20182194.    PDF 

16) Swierk L & T Langkilde. 2018. Does repeated human handling of study animals during the mating season affect their offspring? Journal of Experimental Zoology A 329: 80-86.     PDF

15) Owen DAS, MS Smylie, & L Swierk. 2018. A new blood sampling method for smaller anurans that preserves critical features of specimens. Herpetological Review 49: 34-36.     PDF

14) Lambert MR, BE Carlson, MS Smylie, & L Swierk. 2017. Ontogeny of sexual dichromatism in the explosively breeding wood frog. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 12: 447-456.     PDF

13) Boyer J & L Swierk. 2017. Rapid body color brightening is associated with exposure to a stressor in an Anolis lizard. Canadian Journal of Zoology 95: 213-219.      PDF     
**Editor’s Choice article*

12) Petelo M & L Swierk. 2017. Trait allometries generate super-honesty in Anolis dewlaps and may underlie sexual dimorphism. Integrative Zoology 12: 97-111.     PDF

11) Stephenson BP, N Ihász, DC Byrd, J Swierk, & L Swierk. 2016. Temperature-dependent colour change is a function of sex and directionality of temperature shift in the eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 120: 396-409.    PDF

10) Swierk L, JB Tennessen, & T Langkilde. 2015. Sperm depletion may not limit male reproduction in a capital breeder. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 116: 684-690.     PDF

9) Swierk L & SR Madigosky. 2014. Environmental perceptions and resource use in rural communities of the Peruvian Amazon (Iquitos and vicinity, Maynas Province). Tropical Conservation Science 7: 382-402.  PDF  Lay Summary

8) Swierk L, SP Graham & T Langkilde. 2014. The stress of scramble: sex differences in behavior and physiological stress response in a time-constrained mating system. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68: 1761 – 1768.   PDF

7) Swierk L & T Langkilde. 2013. Bearded ladies: Females suffer fitness consequences when bearing male traits. Biology Letters 9: 20130644.     PDF 

6) Swierk L & T Langkilde. 2013. Sizing-up the competition: Factors modulating male display behavior during mate competition. Ethology 119: 948 – 959.     PDF

5) Swierk L, A Myers & T Langkilde. 2013. Male mate preference is influenced by both female behaviour and morphology. Animal Behaviour 85: 1451 – 1457.     PDF

4) Brossman K, B Carlson, L Swierk, & T Langkilde. 2013. Aquatic tail size carries over to the terrestrial phase without impairing locomotion in adult eastern red-spotted newts (Notophthalmus v. viridescens). Canadian Journal of Zoology 91: 7 – 12.     PDF

3) Swierk L, M Ridgway, & T Langkilde. 2012. Female lizards discriminate between potential reproductive partners using multiple male traits when territory cues are absent. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 1033 -1043.     PDF

2) Swierk L & T Langkilde. 2009. Micronutrient input into a mangrove ecosystem in Jobos Bay, Puerto Rico, by the exotic green iguana Iguana iguana. Current Zoology 55(6): 50-53.     PDF

1) Young S & L Swiacki (former name). 2006. Surveying the forest biodiversity of Evansburg State Park: Plant community classification and species diversity assessment. International Journal of Botany 2: 293-299.  PDF

Natural history notes and other peer-reviewed contributions

Hidalgo R, L Swierk. Anolis transversalis (Banded Tree Anole). Sleep Site Fidelity. Herpetological Review, in press.

Benson E, L Swierk. Hemidactylus mabouia (Tropical House Gecko). Predation Escape. Herpetological Review, in press.

Swierk, L. 2023. Anolis aquaticus (= Norops aquaticus) (Water Anole). Diet. Herpetological Review 54: 462-463. PDF

Figueroa J, P Fison, J Harrington, & L Swierk. 2022. Anadia ocellata (Ocellated Anadia). Predation. Herpetological Review 53: 677PDF

Wuthrich KL, & L Swierk. 2021. Anolis aquaticus (= Norops aquaticus) (Water Anole). Dewlap coloration. Herpetological Review 52: 401-402.  PDF

Ortega D, & L Swierk. 2020. Anolis aquaticus (= Norops aquaticus) (Water Anole). Female display behavior. Herpetological Review 51: 845-846.  PDF

Swierk L, & T Langkilde. 2020. Rana sylvatica (Wood Frog). Overwintering. Herpetological Review 51: 527-528.  PDF

Swierk L, A Carriere, M Delfin, A Fondren, D Lopera, & BJ Putman. 2019. Anolis aquaticus (= Norops aquaticus) (Water Anole). Egg size and oviposition sites. Herpetological Review 50: 360-362.     PDF

Swierk L. 2019. Anolis aquaticus (= Norops aquaticus) (Water Anole): Underwater breathing. Herpetological Review 50: 134-135.     PDF

Swierk L. 2019. Sceloporus malachiticus (Emerald Swift): Coloration. Herpetological Review 50: 145.     PDF

Swierk L. 2019. Ongoing research on the ecology and behavior of Anolis aquaticus. In: Stroud, J.T., Geneva, A.J., Losos, J.B. (eds.), Anolis Newsletter VII. Washington University, St. Louis MO, https://doi.org/10.7936/gjg3-h168.    PDF

Swierk L. 2018. Color Change. In: J Vonk and TK Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-47829-6_462-1.     PDF

Swierk L & S Drobniak. 2018. Ameiva festiva (= Holcosus festivus) (Central American Whiptail Lizard): Juvenile coloration. Herpetological Review 49: 534-535.     PDF

Swierk L. 2015. Rana sylvatica (Wood Frog): Clutch size measurement. Herpetological Review 46: 544.     PDF  

Swierk L. 2012. Rana sylvatica (Wood Frog): Larval duration. Herpetological Bulletin 119: 39. PDF

Page last updated: June 2024

The Swierk Lab is privileged to work on land that constitutes the the traditional territories of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee-ga (Haudenosaunee) and Onundagaonoga (Onondaga) in the USA,
the Tjer-di/Teribe Broram in Costa Rica, and the Maijuna and Kichwa del Río Napo in Perú.