SWHS Girls Track and Field

2025 Season Information

Tryouts will be held for Girls Outdoor Track and Field.  In order to try out, make sure all your forms and payment have been turned in to the office by the deadline of March 12th.  The registration portal is currently open.  If your forms are not turned in on time, you will not be able to tryout for the team.

As long as an athlete completes the three days of tryouts they will be on the team, but they may be an alternate for the away duel meets, or may be alternates for a specific event.  All athletes on the team will compete in home meets in 2-4 events that have openings.  Duel meets occur on Tuesdays and typically last until 6:30 pm, but may go longer.  Athletes are required to stay for the entirety of home meets, but may leave early from away meets if they have turned in a release liability form.  Practices are Monday through Friday until 4pm.  There are a few Saturday Invitationals, which athletes qualify for based on meeting the invitational standards.  The season for everyone goes from March 24th through the end of May.  Elite athletes will go through June for the State Class Championships.

Tryouts will be held on three days: March 24, March 25, and March 26 from 2:20-4:00 pm.  Athletes must attend all three days of tryouts in order to make the team.  At tryouts, athletes will be scored on completion of each activity and ranked in the events by order of finish.  Their combined score will determine if they will compete at away duel meets (top 50) in addition to home meets.  Their ranking in events will determine which individual events they will compete in at home and away meets (top 9 in running, 7 in jumping, and 7 in throwing.)  If an athlete is not one of the top 9 in a running event, they must choose to compete in an event that has open spots (same with jumps and throws).  However, they may still practice 2-4 events.  If an athlete shows improvement in an event, it is possible to move into a top spot to compete in an event over the course of the season.  Athletes will all be entered in 2-4 events at duel meets.

Strong commitment is expected from athletes.  Being on time, completing assigned workouts, staying to the end of practice are required.  Failure to communicate with the coach in advance/have an excused tardy, absence, disappearance or early departure will result in the following:  First time: warning and phone call, Second time: sitting out the next competition, Third time: expulsion from the team for the season.

The first two days of tryouts we will have all athletes complete particular events.  They may discover an event they are good at that would not be discovered otherwise.  The third day of tryouts, athletes will choose two events to complete. The specifics of the tryouts each day are as follows:

March 24th: Everyone will do each of the events and activities

10 minute jog (5 points by completion)

Drills (5 points by completion)

Long Jump (Ranked by distance, points to top 9)

Shot Put (Ranked by distance, points to top 9)

800 meters (2 laps around the track) (Ranked by time, points to top 9)

Stretching (5 points by completion)

March 25th: Everyone will do each of the events and activities

10 minute jog (5 points by completion)

Drills (5 points by completion)

Javelin (practice javelin) (Ranked by distance, points to top 9)

100 meters (Ranked by time, points to top 9)

Vertical jump/high jump (Ranked by height, points to top 9)

Stretching (5 points by completion)

March 25th: Everyone does warmup, cooldown and chooses two events (one per session)

10 minute jog (5 points by completion)

Drills (5 points by completion)

Session 1: choose from 1600 meters, hurdles, or 200 meters (Ranked by order of finish, or successful clearing in hurdles, points to top 9)

Session 2: choose from discus, triple jump, pole vault, or 400 meters (Ranked by order of finish, or successful plant in pole vault, points to top 9)

Stretching (5 points by completion)

Athletes have over a month to work out and prepare for the season.  They should come to tryouts with layers of athletic clothing, proper athletic shoe wear (they may wear spikes for tryouts if they have them), and a water bottle.  I look forward to a great season!  Any questions can be directed to Coach McCullough.