SWH 2018: First International Workshop on Semantic Web Technologies for Health Data Management

Co-located with ISWC 2018, Monterey, California, USA

October 9, 2018

Welcome to SWH 2018

Key in achieving the vision of affordable, less intrusive and more personalized care, is the efficient and effective exploitation of health data. Ultimately this has the potential to increase the quality of life as well as to lower mortality. However, the lifelong patients data to be stored are complex, with hundreds of attributes per patient record that will continually evolve as new types of calculations and analysis/assessment results are added to the record over time. In addition, data exist in many different formats, from textual documents and web tables to well-defined relational data and APIs. Furthermore, they pertain to ambiguous semantics and quality standards resulted from different collection processes across sites. The vast amount of data generated and collected comes in so many different streams and forms from physician notes, personal health records, images from patient scans, health conversations in social media, to continuous streaming information collected from wearables and other monitoring devices.

The goal of this SWH is to bring together researchers cross-cutting the fields of semantic Web, data management and health informatics to discuss the unique challenges in health care data management and to propose novel and practical solutions for next generation data-driven healthcare systems. Developing optimal frameworks for semantic-based, large-scale data-sharing, curating data from various health records has the potential to have a tremendous impact on healthcare, delivering better outcomes at a lower cost.


(August 14, 2018) Proceedings are now online!


(June 4, 2018) We are pleased to host Irini Fundulaki as the Keynote Speaker of SWH 2018!

Important Dates:

Paper submission: June 1, 2018

Authors notification: June 27, 2018

Camera ready: July 15, 2018

Workshop date: October 9, 2018