Swetha Ramachandran

Doctoral Researcher: Working at the intersection of Practice and Academia

Themes: Development | Humanitarianism | Evidence-based policymaking 

Regional interest: Africa (specifically Anglophone West Africa)

Methods: Quantitative, Qualitative 

Research tools: R, NVIVO, Tableau, Excel

About me:

I'm a doctoral researcher at The Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID). My research is multi-disciplinary and draws on concepts/methods from Political Science, International Development and Economics. The research is heavily rooted in and informed by ground-level development practice. Before the PhD, I worked as a Monitoring and Evaluation professional in Sierra Leone, Lesotho, South Sudan and DRC. I hold a Masters in International Economics and Conflict Management from Johns Hopkins University, SAIS and a Bachelors in Social Sciences from Tata Institute of Social Sciences. 

I am very passionate about badminton and fitness! I also run a blog called Let's Talk Policy
