About Us

Since last two year Corona Pandemic hardly effected the indian economy, lots of industry shut down and people got jobless and back to home. There are lots of people come madhubani too. Meanwhile these pandemic situation some people of Bhachhi madhubani come up with idea of mushroom farming, they got training and arrange row material from patna. After harvesting of crop, when they went to sell the mushroom in local market but they couldn't sell due to lack of demand and awareness about mushroom. After that some of them established mushroom cafe with Brand name of “Swera Mushroom cafe”. in cafe they started to sell mushroom Soup, Mushroom Pakaura, Mushroom Maggei, Mushroom Jalebi, Mushroom ravari and many innovative products made with mushroom. This Idea Become Super Hit and due to this they was able to consume self produced and mushroom. After this mushroom cafe needs more mushroom due to higher demand in market so they started to add more farmers and SHG in local area unique buyback idea. They Created “Swera Mushroooms” group where all farmer and SHG added as a member. Now Groups gives training and all required Raw material to its member with assurance of buying all mushroom if they couldn’t sell in the market. This IDEA become much popular and linked lots of farmer with this Groups Currently more than 50 people got employment with this idea.