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This is especially an issue when using a pre-made anki deck (which is often the case in medical school for example). The pre-made anki deck might have an image of a certain topic - but parts of what are in the image may be things I do not yet understand/have not yet learnt - and so the card requires additional info (i.e. personalising with info I get from google). But having the card revert to small each time makes this very difficult.

In anki you can do pretty much everything with shortcuts. But one thing I could not find a shortcut for is selecting a particular deck from multiple decks in the decks window. I tried pushing all the direction keys as well as the tab button and their combinations with Alt and Tab but they don't work. It is good to be able to select a deck without using a mouse. Are you aware of such a shortcut (or if not, how to create one)?

AnkiDroid does not support directly importing Anki database (.anki2) files. A database import will replace your collection with the contents the provided file. If you want to perform a full replacement, you should import a collection[.apkg/.colpkg] created in the app with the export function. 5376163bf9

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