Module 1: Introduction and mindset orientation

This Module talks about five mindsets an Individual should have in order to become a successful investor.


• Get acquainted with the types of mindsets.

• Evaluate your mind in the light of the aforementioned types of mindsets.

• Gets you prepared by aiding you to implement a change where necessary.

• Discover a mindset that'll enable you to choose the most profitable financial option available to you.

Note: This module contains a fundamental guide in understanding/making the best possible investment decision and as such shouldn't be skipped.


👉 Did you have a Favorite Mindset among the Various Mindsets shared in Module One, If yes which One was it?

👉 What was your takeaway from the comparative Investment profit analysis shared in Module One under the principle of leverage?

Do you have any feedback or question from this module, kindly ask.

Module 2: Shares and Dividend

This Module talks about Shares and dividends, and delves into categorization of shares according to the stage of a company's development. It also uses a real life situation analysis to reveal the best time to buy a company's shares.

Run time: 15 Minutes



¶ The concept of shares/dividends.

¶ The categorizations of the types of shares.

• Get an insight of the developmental stages involved in the commercial implementation of a company, along with the corresponding increase in the company's share value accompanying each developmental stage with a reference to Zoom communications.

• Find out the huge return of profits(ROI) currently enjoyed by Zoom share holders in form of residual income from the company's profit sharing, as well as from the current price of the Zoom share units on the stock exchange market and see reasons why you should never miss the life time opportunity of co-owning the Unitsky String Technology, an ultimate transport solution to the hazards created by other global transport systems and invest in the pre-IPO share offering of this company while the opportunity lasts.

"Don't make the investment mistake Peter Obi made in 2015"

Watch this module to find out what mistake that was and how to avoid it.


👉 Between Dividend shares and Non - Dividend shares, which would you buy and why?

👉 What is the best time to buy a Good company's shares (Pre IPO, IPO or Post IPO)?

👉 Mention one thing you got from the illustration made with investing in the pre IPO shares of zoom communication.

Do you have any feedback or question from this module, kindly ask.

Module 3: Unitsky String Transportation| The Ultimate Transport Solution

This Module talks about Unitsky String Technology, a multi-national transport company valued at over $400 billion, with the potential to dominate over 50% of the Global transport market. You will learn how to become a Co-owner of this company and receive quarterly dividends from the commercial implementation of this transport technology. own.

Run time: 17 Minutes


• As a saying goes "where there is problem there is money in the guise of solution".

In view of this,

¶ Discover the many problems created by the modern transport systems.

¶ Discover Unitsky String Technology: the ultimate transport solution.

• Find out the superiority Unitsky String Technology holds over other modern transport systems and how much it has developed from idea to implementation and from certification to commercialization.

• Discover the locations, where the implementation of Unitsky String Technology is currently ongoing.

• Recognise the means through which Unitsky String Technology is been funded/developed.

•Discover the reasons why you should invest in Unitsky String Technology.

• Get to know the current developmental stage of Unitsky String Technology and see why you should act fast in buying/buying more UST pre-IPO shares.

• Get appraised with the stages/steps involved in knowing how to invest.


👉 What scale of problem is Unitsky String Technology solving?

👉 How Profitable do you anticipate this technology will be on the basis of the scale of problem it solves?

👉 Going by your above assessment, do you consider UST worth investing into?

Do you have any feedback or question from this module, kindly ask.

Module 4: The Opportunity for Co Ownership of UST Transport through SWC

This Module talks about Sky World Community(SWC), the Official Crowdfunding platform through which anyone can own the pre IPO shares of Unitsky String Technology and receive Dividends from the profits of UST commercial implementation according to the number of shares they own.

SWC also houses an optional partnership program through which anyone can earn commissions by attracting investors for Unitsky String Technology through the SWC partnership program, even starting with Zero capital (Registration into the Partnership program of SWC is free).

Run time: 8 Minutes


• Get acquainted with the operations of the Sky World Community(SWC) partnership program.

• Find out the surreal cost of participating in the SWC partnership program.

• Watch the inspiring testimonial of the massive residual income (millions of naira) earned by SWC Master John Bossey since he decided to leverage the SWC partnership program a decision he has never regretted.

• Find out how you can also make thousands of dollars (millions of naira) from the Sky World Community(SWC) partnership program with zero capital. Ridiculous!!??

Watch module 4 and the subsequent testimonial to know all about it.


👉 Do you now understand the difference and the relationship between Sky World Community and Unitsky String Technology? (Yes/No).

👉 Would you be participating in the Sky World Community partnership program or just buying the pre IPO shares of Unitsky String Technology? Or would you be doing both?

👉 Are you ready to create your SWC Account?

Module 5: How to Make Millions of Naira from Sky World Community with Zero Capital

Module 6: Getting Started


SWC Unique Selling Point: Step 1 to 3 have Zero financial implication (that is they are free) and after step 3 you can earn from the SWC partnership program even before making an investment.


1. Create an Account on SWC website.

2. Complete your account verification.

3. Sign a Partnership Agreement (Optional).

4. Fund your SWC account/ewallet.

5. Select your desired investment package and make payment.

6. Sign the convertible note agreement.

7. Receive allotment unit.

The Guide below Covers the Points above and more.

In this Module, we will show participants the Steps to become a co-owner of Unitsky String Technology (UST) shares through Sky World Community Crowdfunding SWC). Get ready to start implementing these steps following the guideline below.


• This Module guides you on how to participate in the Sky World Community (SWC) partnership program?

Watch module 5 to guide you through the course of:

¶ Registration

¶ Verification

¶ Signing the partnership program.

¶ Wallet funding

¶ Buying the SWC package (UST pre-IPO shares)

¶ Making withdrawals and Transfers.

• Discover the massive potential dividends(profits) you/your generation will stand to benefit from Unitsky string technology, over the current dividends enjoyed by share holders of some prominent modern companies.


👉 Have you created your SWC account?

👉 Have you completed your SWC account verification?

👉 Have you funded your SWC account?

👉 If you answered No to any of the above question, what is your reason for not having done it?

If you have any feedback or question from this module, kindly ask.


SWC Unique Selling Point: Step 1 to 3 have Zero financial implication (that is they are free) and after step 3 you can earn from the SWC partnership program even before making an investment.


1. Create an Account on SWC website.

2. Complete your account verification.

3. Sign a Partnership Agreement (Optional).

4. Fund your SWC account/ewallet.

5. Select your desired investment package and make payment.

6. Sign the convertible note agreement.

7. Receive allotment unit.

The Guide below Covers the Points above and more.