An Authentic and Viable WebQuest....

  • Is wrapped around a doable and interesting task that is ideally a scaled down version of things that adults do as citizens or workers.

  • Requires higher level thinking, not simply summarizing. This includes synthesis, analysis, problem-solving, creativity and judgment.

  • Makes good use of the web. A WebQuest that isn't based on real resources from the web is probably just a traditional lesson in disguise. (Of course, books and other media can be used within a WebQuest, but if the web isn't at the heart of the lesson, it's not a WebQuest.)

  • Isn't a research report or a step-by-step science or math procedure. Having learners simply distilling web sites and making a presentation about them isn't enough.

  • Isn't just a series of web-based experiences. Having learners go look at this page, then go play this game, then go here and turn your name into hieroglyphs doesn't require higher level thinking skills and so, by definition, isn't a WebQuest

Keep in Mind the WebQuest Components

  • A clear, concise introduction that provides necessary information and sets up the activity.

  • An interesting and concrete central task.

  • A collection of information resources needed, listed on a handout for the students.

  • A step-by-step description of the process to be used for the task.

  • Guidelines on how to organize the information acquired (questions that should be answered, etc.); this will be the backbone for the Web site students create.

  • A closing lesson that reviews what the students have learned and how it can be brought to bear on other subjects.