Become Our Member

"Society For the Wellness Of Human Being"

The Scope Of The Organization Is For The Whole Of India. "

Provision To Become A Member

The Following Categories of Members of the Institution Will

Guardian Member

The person who donates Rs. 10,000 or more in lump sum or twelve instalments in a year to the institution will be the patron member of the committee.

Lifetime Members

A person who becomes a member of the organization by giving Rs 8000 or more as donation to the organization will be able to become a lifetime member. Any lifetime member can become a patron member by paying Rs. 2000 or more.

Ordinary Member

A person who gives Rs 100 per month as 1200 rupees to the institution and will be an ordinary member. The ordinary member will be a member for the same period for which he has given the donation, the ordinary member who will not give the donation due for six months without satisfactory reasons, his membership will be terminated. Such a member can be made a member again if he gives a new application for the institution and the amount of the outstanding donation.

Honourable Members

The management of the institution may make any person or persons honorable members for whatever time it deems fit, such members may attend the meeting of the general assembly, but they will not have the right to vote.

Receipt Of Membership

Every person who wishes to become a member of the committee must apply in writing. Such an application will be submitted to the Management Committee, which will have the right to accept or invalidate the application.

Qualification Of Members

To become a member of the organization, a person must have the following qualifications: – Age should not be less than 18 years. Be an Indian citizen. Pledge to follow the rules of the committee. Be conversant and do not drink. Termination of Membership- Membership of the organization will end in the...!