But how the Service is represented in Swagger UI is separate issue which @xplicit will take a look at once he wakes up. In the meantime can you add a link (e.g. in a gist or pastebin) to the Open API .json MVC generates for their API?

Just edit your original post to include all questions, which just looks like how to get the desired Swagger response from your Service that returns no content. You can just add additional comments if there are any remaining questions.

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Services which return IReturnVoid now use empty responses in Swagger UI. Status code depends on Config.Return204NoContentForEmptyResponse setting. If this setting is set to true (default value) then 204 status is used in Open API specification, otherwise status code 200 is used.

I am trying to consume a swagger.json file. This list below is a simplified version of the the real file. When I choose "Consume REST API..." - "Add all methods" for this file nothing will hapen, neither an import nor an error message will pop up.

So first maybe look at this : what you show in your post looks like YAML, not JSON. I'm not sure the capability in Outsystems to read a swagger definition and turn it into a consumed api extends to swagger in yaml, for example, when opening file selection window, only has option for json.

Yes, what I showed looks like YAML. In this forum we are allowed to attach OML-Files, but as I tried to attach my swagger.json file I got an error that this is not allowed. (I do not know why?) So instead of this I copied the API lines from my Swagger editor into my initial post.


not sure I understand, the actual definition file you are trying to do 'add all methods' with, does it contain yaml format ?? In that case, maybe try to convert it to json and try with that... I don't think Outsystems can read YAML, when I try, I get this error :

If you are already using JSON, another reason could be that Outsystems parser can't deal with $ref ?? I tried a little test, taking a simplified version of your example yaml, replacing all $ref with the substituted value, and turning it into json, and Outsystems can work with that

sorry for confusing with a yaml format. My Swagger Editor shows yaml format, which I saved in json format, that I tried to consume in OutSystems. I always tried to import JSON format. I would be better to post a JSON-Format here just like you did.

Your JSON works fine, also for me. Maybe it's about the $ref?

The results are different in resFromAPI than I expect. I am am not able to deserialize it to List.

I see different object being generated, although it has data inside it with properties _items.Response.PNG750156 36.8 KB

I am afraid I can't see the screenshot - it is too small to reveal any meaningful information. Probably something in the Swagger definition is off though and Radzen could have generated wrong code for it. We can't be sure as we don't have access to the actual swagger definition and REST API that you are using. You can check the API JSON response and compare it with the swagger definition that you have.

The serialization was being done for properties of IEnumerable/List as well. The screenshot shows size, count, items all IEnumerable properties and operations. The data in _items is actual data I was looking for. Although without any further modification this is used by Radzen grid component and works as expected.

I have uploaded API spec using Swagger UI Formatter in developer portal. While trying out the request, I'm getting the error 'no response from server'. However while executing the curl on editor for the same, I'm getting the expected response.

I also tried the same swagger using Smartdocs and it seems to be working. Hence, tried enabling CORS at the server, still no luck. I chose Swagger UI over Smartdocs since the look and feel is better.

I am building an API Documentation with Swagger and I am writing directly in Notepad++ in the JSON it all woks fine but now I have a POST request that has a response example of type xml. This is the code that I have written

I will look for it. Without knowing the reponse code you need the source code to find someting like this here. I had few weeks ago such an API. Due the missing knowing of possible response codse the API did work work very well.

HTTP status code are standard and it should be wise that any client making requests to a REST server handle the known status codes like 4xx and 5xx, regardless they are present in the Swagger document.

Hoewever, this should document the codes a foreign develeper may not expect and have to implement. I know a lot peoples think: Real developers need no documentation. Although swagger/open-API has been born.

I understand. Well, as I said, those listed status codes add no semantic meaning to what already is known about those status codes. But I understand that you want to trust the Swagger specs that no other status codes are answered by that endpoint besides those that are listed (something I see not always happen).

So, does it really mean those responses are the only ones provided by the endpoint? Of course not. Obviously the endpoint returns 200 (or 201). Responses with error 500 obviously can also happen, because internal and unexpected errors can happen in the server.

I was instantly hooked when I learned that fitbit offers a Web API to export timeseries. I am still not entirely sure what I want to do with the data, but I have several ideas in my mind. Anyway, here my actual question:

The Web API has a Swagger description file (available here: -api/explore/). Unfortunately, it seems incomplete. The responses are missing a result type schema ("Response Body" in -0/describing-responses/). Why is this useful? There are Swagger client generators for several languages, those generate easy-to-use client libraries from the swagger file. Unfortunately, those generators can't work correctly if the swagger file is incomplete.

I tried to add schema information to one of the calls. Only the "schema" information was added, the rest it taken from the existing json file. I tried to derive the schema from the example here: -api/heart-rate/#get-heart-rate-time-series. But some types were not mentioned in the example, customHeartRateZones is missing (it's an array, but of what?).

I think you missed my point. The API is secured and it should return a 401 if we try to access and endpoint without the token, it should not return a 200 with the login page html (from swagger OR from postman)

and then called it from Postman which now works as expected(no body returned AND 401), but if i login to the MVC UI I receive that error when i try to browse to my entity page. If i remove the ForwardDefaultSelector code it works in MVC

How is it possible to use IntoResponses or reading the responses from a JSON file? IntoResponses works but it isn't possible to create examples like I want it similar to my code. There is no function that allows me to create an example (i.e. example(json!({})) which does not exists). There is an ExampleBuilder::new() but I can't use it or doesn't know where.

Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen: a Swagger generator that builds SwaggerDocument objects directly from your routes, controllers, and models. It's typically combined with the Swagger endpoint middleware to automatically expose Swagger JSON.

Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI: an embedded version of the Swagger UI tool. It interprets Swagger JSON to build a rich, customizable experience for describing the web API functionality. It includes built-in test harnesses for the public methods.

Enabling XML comments provides debug information for undocumented public types and members. Undocumented types and members are indicated by the warning message. For example, the following message indicates a violation of warning code 1591:

To suppress warnings only for specific members, enclose the code in #pragma warning preprocessor directives. This approach is useful for code that shouldn't be exposed via the API docs. In the following example, warning code CS1591 is ignored for the entire TodoContext class. Enforcement of the warning code is restored at the close of the class definition. Specify multiple warning codes with a comma-delimited list.

Configure Swagger to use the XML file that's generated with the preceding instructions. For Linux or non-Windows operating systems, file names and paths can be case-sensitive. For example, a TodoApi.XML file is valid on Windows but not Ubuntu.

In the preceding code, Reflection is used to build an XML file name matching that of the web API project. The AppContext.BaseDirectory property is used to construct a path to the XML file. Some Swagger features (for example, schemata of input parameters or HTTP methods and response codes from the respective attributes) work without the use of an XML documentation file. For most features, namely method summaries and the descriptions of parameters and response codes, the use of an XML file is mandatory.

Add a element to the Create action method documentation. It supplements information specified in the element and provides a more robust Swagger UI. The element content can consist of text, JSON, or XML.

The Create action returns an HTTP 201 status code on success. An HTTP 400 status code is returned when the posted request body is null. Without proper documentation in the Swagger UI, the consumer lacks knowledge of these expected outcomes. Fix that problem by adding the highlighted lines in the following example:

The default UI is both functional and presentable. However, API documentation pages should represent your brand or theme. Branding the Swashbuckle components requires adding the resources to serve static files and building the folder structure to host those files. 152ee80cbc

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