이상진 1:30-2:20

Title: Categorical and topological entropies on symplectic manifolds

Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce our recent work ( that compares two different entropies on symplectic manifold. We note that a similar problem appears in algebraic geometry.

Since SWAG is a workshop on algebraic geometry, we will focus on definitions and key ideas more than details from symplectic topology. The ideas may work in algebraic geometry settings.

원준녕 2:30-3:20

Title : On Sasaki-Einstein 5-manifolds

Abstract : Sasaki-Einstein metric is an odd dimensional analogue of the Kaehler-Einstein metric.
5-dimensional Sasakian manifold is determined by their torsion of second homology group and

rank of S^2 ×S^3. We discuss that recent progresses of the existence problem of Sasaki-Einstein metric of simply connected 5-dimensional Sasakian manifolds.

김준태 3:30-4:20

Title: Lagrangian topology of quadric surfaces

Abstract: We discuss well-known results about the topology of Lagrangian surfaces in a symplectic quadric surface. In particular, we explain the uniqueness of Lagrangian spheres, the exoticness of monotone Lagrangian tori, and the topology of real Lagrangian surfaces.

현규 4:25 - 4:35

긴급 기자회견 및 Q&A