Sinchon Workshop on Algebraic Geometry

2018. Dec 7 , Sogang University

서강대학교 RA관 406B, 13:00-18:00 (오시는 길, DIRECTION)

Schedule & TALK INFO

(Talks will be in English.)

  • 1:00-2:00

Kyeong-Dong Park - IBS-CGP

Title : Smooth Schubert varieties in rational homogeneous manifolds

Abstract : A rational homogeneous manifold is a homogeneous space G/P for a simple complex Lie group G and its parabolic subgroup P. The integral homology of a rational homogeneous manifold has a basis consisting of the homology classes of Schubert varieties. After discussing concrete examples of Schubert varieties, I will explain the classification results of smooth Schubert varieties in rational homogeneous manifolds with Picard number one, and characterize their standard embeddings by means of varieties of minimal rational tangents.

  • 2:15-3:15

Carlos Scarinci - KIAS-CMC

Title: Ideal tetrahedra and their duals in 3-dimensional spacetimes

Abstract: In this talk I will present a unified description of hyperbolic, half-pipe and anti-de Sitter ideal tetrahedra based on generalized complex numbers. I will then introduce a new kind of tetrahedra in de Sitter, Minkowski and anti-de Sitter spaces using projective duality, and will discuss some of their properties and relations to generalized shear coordinates on the moduli spaces of constant curvature spacetimes in 3-dimensions.

  • 3:30-4:30

Pak Tung Ho (Sogang University)

Title: Q-curvature in conformal geometry

Abstract: Q-curvature is a generalization of the Gaussian curvature.

In this talk, I will talk about the definition of Q-curvature and some of its properties.

I will then talk about some of the problems related to the Q-curvature, including the problem of prescribing Q-curvature.

  • 4:45-5:45

Yunhyung Cho - Sungkyunkwan University

Title: Symplectic Geometry of Fano Varieties

Abstract: A Lagrangian submanifold L of a given symplectic manifold (M, ω) is a central object in the study of symplectic geometry of (M, ω). Especially a Lagrangian submanifold having non-trivial Floer cohomology plays a fundamental role in the mirror symmetry. In this talk, we discuss several ways of finding such Lagrangians and list some new results on this topic in the case where M is a smooth Fano variety.

  • 6:40 -

Dinner in 萬德福(만덕복) 원더풀 샤부샤부


  • 김종수 (서강대)
  • 최성락(연세대)
  • 이재혁(이화여대)
  • 김현규(이화여대)

Sponsored by

  • 신촌3대학원 공동세미나 지원금