
5 things you'll need to enroll your student

To register your student(s), you must bring the following items to the Sierra Vista Unified School District Welcome Center:

1. The student's original birth certificate (if your student doesn’t have a birth certificate from his/her country of birth, then any other reliable proof of your child’s age and identity, along with an affidavit explaining your inability to provide a copy of a birth certificate will be acceptable);

2. The student’s immunization records;

3. Proof of residence;

4. Legal custody documentation (if your name is not on the birth certificate); and

5. Valid photo identification for the registering guardian.

SVUSD Welcome Center

3305 E. Fry Blvd., Sierra Vista, AZ 85635.

520-515-2761 • 520-515-2757 (fax)


Hours: 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m., Monday–Friday

Closed all school holidays.