Bioinorganic Chemistry

The structure, purpose, mechanism, and dynamics of physiologically significant metal complexes and metal-containing proteins are the subject of bioinorganic chemistry. Through the study of either tiny metal complexes or metalloproteins, we aim to comprehend the biological relevance of a metal site, how it performs its role, and what variables govern its function. We design and test the metal complexes for anticancer, antiviral activities, etc.

Medicinal Chemistry

Medicinal chemistry primarily centers on organic synthesis for drug development and improvement. It aims to emphasize toxicology, bioanalytical chemistry, and drug metabolism research. This field explores how drugs, harmful substances, and biological systems interact, as well as the relationships between chemical structure, dynamics, and biological effects.

Photodynamic Therapy

A medication (photosensitizer) is used in photodynamic therapy (PDT), a two-stage procedure that uses light energy to kill malignant and precancerous cancer cells following light activation. Acne, psoriasis, age-related macular degeneration, and a number of malignancies, including those of the lung, brain, bladder, pancreas, bile duct, esophagus, and head and neck, can all be treated with various photosensitizer medications that are already on the market. We intend to exploit the cutting-edge Iridium cyclopentadienyl complexes for the same.


To create medicines, imaging agents, and biosensors for cancer and other illnesses that are exquisitely targeted, feasible, safe, and successful, by controlling the synthesis of nanoparticle shapes that interface with biological systems.