With the support of my Dobe Alia...

My research focuses on latent traits and persistence of social norms.


The Early Origins of Judicial Stringency in Bail Decisions: Evidence from Early Childhood Exposure to  Hindu-Muslim Riots in India (with Nitin Bharti)   Journal of Public Economics, vol 221, May 2023

Media Coverage: Economic & Political Weekly

The Impact of Long-Term Orientation Traits on Pandemic Fatigue Behavior: Evidence from the Columbian Exchange (with Sudhir Gupta, Rabee Tourky)  Journal of Economic Growth,  vol 28, pages 397-438 (2023)


                                                                          Working Papers: 

Structural Econometrics with Applications in Labor, Public and Behavioral Economics:

Productivity Versus Motivation in Adolescent Human Capital Production:  Evidence from a Structurally-Motivated Field Experiment   (with John A.  List, Brent Hickman, Chris Cotton and Joe Price)  Revise and Resubmit (2nd Round)  Journal of Political Economy 

Judging Nudging: Toward an Understanding of the Welfare Effects of Nudges Versus Taxes, with  John A. List , Gregory Sun, and Matthias Rodemeier  

Spillover Designs:

Countervailing Effects of Preferential Incentives on Learning Outcomes: Evidence from  a Large-Scale Field Experiment in India Revised and Resubmitted  Journal of Political Economy: Micro

Economic History:

Impact of British Colonial Gender Reform on Marriage under Legal Age and Gender Gap in Education: Evidence from Child Marriage Abolition Act, 1929 (with Hiu F. Tam)    Revise and Resubmit (2nd Round) Journal of Economic History

Statistics of Persistence of Long-Term Effects and Distributional Impacts:

Concentration of Randomized Functions of Uniformly Bounded Variation (with Thomas Anton and Rabee Tourky) Revised draft will be uploaded soon!!

                                                                        Other Publications:

The Effect of Teaching Economics with Classroom Experiments: Estimates from a Within-Subject Experiment (with Jeffrey Livingston and Sacha Gelfer)  American Economic Association: Papers and Proceedings  (2022, vol 112, pp. 619-23.)