Printer Project


Printer project introduction.docx

Statement of issue and inventory

Printer project Statement of Issue and Inventory FINAL.docx

Chapter 2

Printer project Chapter 2 Potential Savings from Paper Reduction and Recycled Content.pdf

Chapter 3

Printer Project Chapter 3 Life Cycle Impact of Toner and Ink.pdf

Chapter 4

Printer Project Chapter 4 Socio-environmtental Responsibility of Printer Manufacturers.pdf

Chapter 5

Printer Project Chapter 5 Watt Killers, Environmental and Economic Costs of Printing Devices.pdf

Chapter 6

Printer Project Chapter 6 Paper Ink and Energy, Analysis of Print Behavior.pdf

Chapter 7

Printer Project Chapter 7 Summary of Recommendations.pdf


Printer team powerpoint Sustainable Solutions Consulting 2011.pptx