Roulette judi online Rules

For playing Roulette you need a wheel, a small ball and a table marked with separate boxes containing numbers from 0 to 36. All players’ place their bets on any particular number or a set of numbers on the table. When the bets have been completed, the wheel starts spinning and a small ball is released on to the wheel in the opposite direction of the spinning wheel. The winner is the player who had bet on the number in which the ball stopped.

Bet – Description:

Even Odd – Bet placed on fields «even» or «odd» and covers 18 numbers. Zero is not covered.

Red Black – Bet placed on fields «red» or «black» and covers 18 numbers. Zero is not covered.

High Low – Bet placed on fields «1-18″ or «19-36″ and covers 18 numbers.

Dozen – Bet placed on fields «1st 12″, «2nd 12″, or «3rd 12″ and covers 12 numbers

Column – Bet placed on field at the end of vertical column and covers all columns (12 numbers).Zero is not covered.

Six-Line – Bet placed on the end of line between two rows. Bet covers the 6 numbers in two adjacent rows.

Corner - Bet placed on the common point of four adjacent numbers and covers all of them.

Street – Bet placed on the end of row and covers this row (3 numbers).

Split – Bet placed between two numbers and covers them.

Straight – Bet placed on single number field and covers only one.

Bingo Gambling Ad Pulled By The Advertising Standards Authority

Spacebar Media was trying to create a judi online gambling advertisement that strayed away from the racy ones that have been used by other companies. It turns out even when trying to stay within the law, they broke it.

The Advertising Standards Authority on Wednesday cracked its whip and banned a national press ad for Wink Bingo. They claim that the ad was inappropriate and could not be used.

«We acknowledged that the intention of the ad was to portray a real-life situation in a humorous way, but considered that the ad nonetheless showed a health care professional ignoring a woman giving birth in order to play bingo online,» said the ASA.

The ad pictures a woman celebrating her win standing next to a trolley. In the ad she is holding surgical equipment and a laptop that had the words ‘Wink Bingo Winner’ on the screen. In the background was a woman lying in bed under a sign that read ‘Maternity Unit’.

The implication was that the woman was neglecting her duties to deliver the baby because she had won the jackpot. The catchphrase to the ad was, «Find the appropriate moment».


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