
Friday February 2nd: Public Science Demonstration at the Science History Institute

The talented Melody Rabe and Jamie Donald Eblen recorded a musical eulogy to the NYC Metrocard which will be phased out next year. We helped them dye their overalls using a blend of synthetic and natural dyes taking advantage of some iron sourced from the subway itself!

Sustainability Awareness Week 2023

Students made vegan dish soaps from spent corn oil and molds borrowed from the FabLab.

Soap Gels from Waste

Our new paper on waste-derived soap gels features work from several Manhattan College graduates. 

RSC Sustainability (Open-Access)

Joining the Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry

In August 2023 Dr. Silverman joins the Science History Institute as a Haas fellow.  Join in on 2/2/24 for a presentation of 'The Material History of Soap' at First Fridays!