
Since October 2022, we have been building a more sustainable organization and community with the award-winning Sustainable Libraries Initiative. The Sustainable Libraries Certification Program provides library leaders with a tested, structured path forward to increase the library’s commitment to environmental stewardship, economic feasibility, and social equity.

We are excited to share that we completed the Sustainable Libraries Certification Program in 2024! We are proud of everything that our staff and community accomplished together and are excited to see where our ongoing sustainability efforts will take us in the future. View our Sustainable Libraries Certification Presentation by clicking the link below.

What Sustainability Means TO Us

We are committed to the triple bottom line model of sustainability. This means we are incorporating and promoting practices that are environmentally sound, and economically feasible, and socially equitable.

Environmentally Sound

Economically Feasible

Socially Equitable

Questions? Suggestions? Contact us at reference@elwoodlibrary.org!