Frequently Asked Questions


What is a virtual event?

Our virtual events are online events that involve the audience interacting with us in a virtual environment instead of meeting face to face. This will include a range of webinars throughout all our events during this festival.

What does 'BST' stand for?

BST stands for British Summer Time or UK time. Currently the UK is still in its wintertime (GMT+0) but we will be going forward an hour on the 28th March 2021 (GMT+1). do be sure to double check the time of our events compared to your location before attending. We do not want you to miss on the great events we have planned for you!

How does a virtual event compare to an in-person meeting?

Virtual events allow for anyone around the world to join us! You won’t have to travel and there will be no limit to attendance.

Do I have to attend the entire festival?

You do not have to attend the entire festival. Each event has their own ticket platform set up and therefore each ticket you book will only be applicable to that specific event.

If I book a ticket, do I have to attend the entire event?

We would love for you to be there during the entirety of the event but the magic of a virtual event is: you attend what you can!

How long are the virtual events?

Each different event has a different length of time. Be sure to check our schedule page for the specific time.

Who can attend virtual events?

Anyone and everyone is welcome! as long as you can be there during the set time, we would love to have you there.

What do you do to ensure a safe environment?

We will have a few members from the festival present during each event that will ensure safety guidelines are respected. That will mean that anyone who disrupts the workshops or inappropriately participates will receive a warning before being removed altogether.

Are there recordings available after the events?

The events will all be recorded and will be made available to the attendees who have tickets. In addition, a ‘highlights’ video will be shown on Sunday 4th April during the End of Festival Raffle.

Virtual Platform

What technology do I need to attend this event?

For every event during this festival, you will need a computer/laptop/tablet or phone with an internet connection.

Do I need to have a camera and a mic for the event?

Having a camera and microphone during the event is recommended in order to be able to ask questions and participate fully. However, it does not prevent you from attending the events and participating as ‘chat boxes’ will allow you to type your message to the presenters.

Which platform will be used during the events?

All events have different platforms. These platforms include Canapii, Zoom, vMix, Youtube, and more. Check each event page for more information.

What do you offer for people that cannot hear properly?

Each event will have the option of closed captioning to help you the best way we can. In addition, please feel free to email our festival coordinator Paula Pralus at for more information.

Can I log in with a smartphone and which devices is the platform compatible with?

You can use your phone! All our platforms are compatible with computers, tablets and smartphones whether Apple or Android.

What if I have technical issues on the day and cannot access the event?

If on the day of the event you have technical issues, please contact the festival coordinator or the individual event for further help. We will be able to send you the recording of the event in order for you to still participate in a way.

Event Format

Will events be recorded and will they be available after the event?

The events will all be recorded and will be made available to the attendees who have tickets. In addition, a ‘highlights’ video will be shown on Sunday 4th April during the End of Festival Raffle.

Will speaker presentation slides be made available after the event?

All content during the events will be made available after the festival to all attendees with a ticket.

Tickets and Registration

What does my ticket include?

Your ticket will ensure access to the event you have selected on the day. In addition, you will be automatically included in the End of Festival Raffle for a chance to win some exciting prizes. Therefore, remember to sign in with us on the 4th April too!

Can I register on behalf of someone else?

Yes. You can register on behalf of someone else as long as you put in their information and their email address so they can receive their ticket.

When will I receive my login details?

We will be sure to send you your login details a day prior to your event. be sure to look out for it in your emails (including your spam folder)!

Can I transfer my registration to someone else?

Each registration link for our events can only be activated once. Therefore, if you are transferring your registration, you will not be able to access it yourself anymore.

Pricing, Discounts, Refunds and Cancellations

Do you offer a reduced rate for students or group discounts?

Unfortunately, as this is a not-for-profit event, we do not offer any discounts on the paid events. However, we have made sure that each event is the lowest price possible.

What is your cancellation policy? Can I apply for a refund?

For the paid events, we unfortunately do not offer refunds for our events as this is a not-for-profit festival. However, if you are unable to attend the event, you will still have access to the recording of the event and will still have a chance to win an amazing prize during our End of Festival Raffle!

Customer Feedback

How can I give my feedback?

We would love to receive feedback from you. You can give specific feedback on one event by looking for more information on their page.

You can also give feedback on the entire festival or for any other topic by emailing our festival coordinator Paula Pralus at

How can I make a complaint?

We apologize if you’ve had an unpleasant experience. For any complaints, please email our festival coordinator Paula Pralus at

Any other question? please contact us below