Sussex2030 Environmental Issues

Nature's Rights.docx

Norway’s Supreme Court Hears Rights Challenge to Arctic Oil Drilling

Environmental groups argue that exploratory drilling licenses violate a constitutional right to a healthy environment. It’s a test case taking on an industry that is key to the country’s economy.

DNREC Young Environmentalists of the Year Announced at Delaware State Fair 

Sen. Coons receives top honor from Delaware Trustees of The Nature Conservancy

MAY 08, 2020 

"Conserved lands also contribute billions to Delaware’s economy; the outdoor recreation industry alone is directly responsible for 29,000 jobs which generate $959 million is wages and salaries. This industry also produces $3.1 billion in annual consumer spending in Delaware and generates $145 million each year in state and local tax revenue.

Center for the Inland Bays recognizes key partners

Fellow scientists, volunteers, businesses make work of nonprofit possible 

About Permeable Pavements and Asphalts:

"Permeable pavements and asphalts are effective solutions for controlling runoff and some types of pollutants.  However, they are expensive to install and maintain, so areas in which they are to be cost-effective need to be carefully selected.  They tend to have some of the highest dollar per pound of nutrient pollution removal of most nutrient management practices ranging all the way from forested buffers to septic system elimination.  However, they certainly have their place, especially for flood control, which through its reduction in erosive energy of streams, reduces pollution itself.  Permeable surfaces can trap oils and greases and some phosphorus but I frankly don't have data on how much they trap to share.  Nitrogen tends to move through it.  However, advances in the application of biochar could improve the effectiveness of pavement design for nitrogen retention.  Some examples of where permeable surfaces have been used locally are permeable asphalt in Bethany Beach and in the Center's parking lot at the inlet, and recently with pavers in Dewey Beach.  Permeable pavers have been in use for years.  In summary, it is currently regarded as an important option for flood and pollutant control for areas that have few other options availalbe and that have flooding concerns in particular. " - Chris Bason

‘Ghost forests’ are spreading across US coastal regions

Encroaching saltwater is turning forests near the coast into haunting landscapes.