• Currently Unemployed or Under-Employed

  • Training for Future Jobs or Businesses

Our Hope

Covid-19 and the lockdown taught us invaluable lessons: Things can change without warnings and we have to find ways to rise out of it better and stronger, getting ready for the new direction in economic development in the wake of the age of online-everything.

It is proven, and the county is ready for the idea, that the location is no longer as important as before, provided high speed Internet is available throughout the region - even for college students. Sussex has way too much to offer for high paying businesses to overlook.

Sussex County needs a master plan, though, so that not all the new industries flock to the beach area.

Elizabeth Heath - May 26, 2020

  • What is adaptability and why do we need it?

Adaptability was an important survival skill even before the pandemic, given all the changes in the economy that were forcing people to shift jobs, move to different cities or switch schools every so often, says Patrick J. Rottinghaus, associate professor and program director of the counseling psychology graduate program at the University of Missouri. Rottinghaus, who specializes in career issues, defines adaptability, in part, as “the capacity to cope with and capitalize on change, and the ability to recover when unforeseen events alter life plans.

  • Cultivating adaptability in kids

  • Moving forward and recognizing benefits

Children, Sue L. Motulsky (associate professor in the Division of Counseling and Psychology at Lesley Universitysays) says, are especially benefiting. “They’re learning to cook with their parents; they’re having extra time to themselves.” Importantly, she says, with missed milestones such as graduation and prom, “they’re learning to be disappointed and still be okay.” The ability to accept change rather than shutting down in the face of it is a skill that will serve these children for a lifetime.

The pandemic, says Laurie Leinwand (a licensed professional counselor based in Denville, N.J.), “has been a global experiment in discomfort.” It hasn’t been easy on anyone, but, she adds, “learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable is what will get us through it.

How to Make a Career Pandemic-Proof

With the economy in flux, people are training for jobs that provide stability, flexibility

  • Lauren Weber - June 30, 2020
