Private Well Test

Anyone whose water source is a private well on the property (not HOA or municipal) can take advantage of a State of DE program to test the private well through the Div. of Public Health.

The cost of the test to you is $4. The lab costs are actually much more, but PH is absorbing the cost. You gather the 2 samples using the kit and following the directions. The hardest part is taking the samples in the morning and getting it to the Georgetown office prior to the lab pick up time (about 9 AM).

Every private well owner should do this at least once per year. The first test will give you a baseline. Homeowners receive a 2 page lab report showing the actual results and parameters. If you think you have salt water intrusion, a nitrate problem, a bacterial problem, etc., this will provide answers. PH or the State of DE will not help you with your contaminated well.

Please use this link below for more information:

Salt Water Intrusion

The salt water intrusion could also indicate that more water is being taken from the aquifer and the rainfall is not adequate to re-supply fresh water.

Precipitation varies throughout the year with Summer having the least amount of rain.

The HOAs can ask for their water report through Tidewater, Artesian or whatever company is involved. They do test for salt.