Flood Insurance

U.S. rolls out first update to flood insurance pricing in 50 years

  • APR 1, 2021


"The agency said that, over the coming year, it will phase in a price-setting method that marks an epochal shift in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which was set up in 1968 to cover property in flood-prone areas.

New premiums will be based on a property's value, risk of flooding and other factors, rather than simply on a property's elevation in a flood zone. They will take effect on Oct. 1, 2021, for new policies and April 1, 2022, for the rest, FEMA said."

Flood insurance

Homeowners’ insurance does not cover flood damage. Flood insurance is available through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Homes with federally-backed mortgages that are within Special Flood Hazard Areas must have flood insurance.

Periodic Changes to Floodplain Maps

  • Owners of homes newly mapped into the floodplain may have to buy flood insurance once the map change goes into effect.

  • Some may find their homes no longer in the mapped floodplain. They may be eligible for flood insurance at a reduced rate (called a Preferred Risk Policy).

For more information about flood insurance, contact your your insurance provider or learn more at FloodSmart.gov.

Flood Insurance Rate Maps - from Sussex County Website


For more information, contact the Sussex County Environmental and Flood Plain Manager, Mr. Jeff Shockley, at (302) 855-7884 or by email.