Council Members - as of 6/8/2022

Goals and Objectives

The program sets and follows an Open Space Program Plan with a long-term goal of providing all Delaware residents and visitors with maximum opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and Delaware’s natural assets. It does this by pursuing a number of connected objectives:

  • To protect and conserve all forms of natural and cultural resources.

  • To protect and conserve the biological diversity of plants and animals and their habitat.

  • To protect or expand existing or planned parks, forests, wildlife areas, nature preserves or other recreation, conservation, or cultural sites.

  • To preserve sites of special natural, cultural, or geological interest.

  • To connect existing open spaces into a cohesive system of greenways and resource areas.

  • To provide for public outdoor recreation.

  • To allow for water resource conservation.

In order to ensure goals and objectives are met, each property is evaluated using the Guidelines to Evaluate Land Being Considered For Permanent Protection.

Partnerships and Coordination

The Open Space Program works to leverage federal funds and private money with Open Space funds. It encourages donations through the promotion of tax benefits, and legacy and estate planning tools. And it targets conservation easements to protect areas that aren’t immediately adjacent to already-protected lands.

Elena Stewart at, Land Preservation Specialist, 302-739-9935

Kerri Yandrich, Conservation Land Acquisition Specialist

Kyle Hoyd, Assistant Forestry Administrator

Timothy Slavin, Director and State Historic Preservation Officer

Open Space Council Meetings

Contact Elena Stewart at

Protected Lands Maps

Sussex County

A couple of examples of the protected land maps

Open Space Program - 5-Year Report from 2016 to 2020